Chapter 15--My First... Twitcam

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"Give Mom and Daddy my love, 'kay?"

"Yeah, and text me if you can Skype tonight."

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you, too. Bye."

"Bye," I hang up. Over the past twenty minutes, we've talked about the boys, the crazy fans, how the family's been, and of course, the kiss. It felt good to talk to her again.

"Lila!" four British voices chime. I look over at the door and see Lou, Liam, Zayn, and Harry rushing in. They practically tackle me in a group hug.

"Hello, boys," I giggle.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asks.

"That girl was an idiot," Liam sighs.

"She had no clue what she was talking about," Lou agrees.

"I'd never let her in my bed," Harry chimes in. We all look at him with wide eyes.  He shrugs, "What? I wouldn't."

I laugh and shake my head, "Thanks. It's the thought that counts."

"Seriously, though, are you okay?" Liam asks.

I nod, "I'm fine. Niall and I had a good... talk. Hey, where is Niall?"

"Right here, love," Niall comes in and walks over, "Just had to get some things squared away with Andy."

"Shall we head back to the hotel, then?" Liam asks. We all nod and head back. When we get back, Liam decides to do Twitcam and invites us to join him. I quickly agree, wanting to show everyone I'm okay, and Niall agrees, too. Zayn and Harry go to the pool and Lou go to call El, saying he'll join them when he's done.

Niall, Liam, and I go up to Liam's room and Liam sets up the Twitcam. Almost as soon as it starts, we have almost thirty thousand viewers, and the number keeps increasing.

"Hi, everybody," Liam starts, "We've just gotten back from lunch and a signing. Lou, Haz, and Zayn have gone swimming, but Niall and Lila have agreed to do a Twitcam with me."

"Hello," Niall and I wave at the same time.

"Aren't they cute? They even greet you at the same time," Liam smiles.

"Don't be jealous, Liam," Niall takes my hand and sticks his tongue out at Liam.

"I've got a lady of my own. No offense, Lila."

 "None taken," I smile, "Dani's a sweetheart, anyway."

"Thanks," he smiles and even blushes a little.

"How 'bout some music, Liam?" Niall asks and Liam quickly obliges, turning on "Break Even" by the Script.

"We're getting a lot of questions for Lila," Liam says, looking at the screen. He turns to me, "Care to answer any?"

"Shoot," I nod.

"All righty. Stylators_xo asks: 'What's the best part of being on tour with the boys?'"

"The boys, of course!" I grin, "They're spectacular company."

Liam thanks me and Niall squeezes my hand, smiling.

"LiamsFork_ asks: 'How did you meet Niall?'" Liam reads another question.

"By accident," I smile softly.

"Not really..." Niall says slowly. I look at him questioningly and he continues, "Well, when I didn't see you with the rest of the fans backstage, I came looking for you."

"Really? Why?"

He smiles, "There was something about your eyes."

"Well, there you go," Liam says to the camera, "They met because Niall is a stalker!"

We both laugh and Niall shoves Liam away from the camera, leaning closer to it, "I'm not a stalker! I'm just a... a follower!" 

I laugh, "You're not helping yourself."

He pretends to be shocked, "What, you think I'm a stalker?" 

"Only mine," I kiss him quickly on the cheek.

"Well, when you put it like that..." he grins.

"Before you guys get weird, I would like to remind you that I'm still here... As well as about forty-five thousand fans," Liam says quickly.

"Party pooper," Niall mutters.

"You'll get over it," Liam shrugs, "How 'bout some more questions?"

We answer questions for about ten more minutes, then Liam decides to show everyone around a bit. First, he goes around his and Zayn's room, then he takes the computer down the hall to mine and Niall's room and shows them around there. This, of course, leads to tons of questions about what it's like to room with Niall.

"Oh, this is a good one!" Liam laughs, "IrishGurl4Niall asks: 'Do you share a bed?' Please enlighten us!"

"Only when Niall's being good," I wink.

Niall nods, grinning, then suddenly stops, "Wait. What?"

Liam and I burst out laughing.

"No, really," Niall starts to chuckle, "Did that just come from Lila?"

"Yes, darling," I say, still laughing, "How innocent did you think I was?"

"I don't know... I just... didn't expect that..."

I giggle and turn to the camera, "Sorry, IrishGurl, Niall and I don't sleep together. Unless I fall asleep while we're watching TV."

We head back to Liam's room and find Zayn, just back from the pool.

"Hi," he smiles, "Can I have a bit of privacy?"

"Well, Zayn's being oddly bashful, so we have to leave you now," Liam waves good-bye to the camera, "See you later!"

Niall and I wave good-bye, then go back to our room. Niall flops down on his bed with some of the food truck leftovers. He turns on the TV and asks what I want to watch.

"You won't like it," I laugh, sitting next to him.

He puts his arm around me, "That's okay. We've only watched 'Two and a Half Men' since we got here, so it's your pick."

"All right, but I warned you," I take the remote and flip it to "Say Yes to the Dress." To my surprise, Niall has no complaints and actually seems to enjoy it. Actually, he's more into it than I am. I laugh as he voices his frustration over the more difficult brides and the awful dress choices some of them make. After the episode is over, I turn the TV off.

"What was that for?" he asks disappointedly.

"I don't want you to get too worked up," I giggle.

"I won't, promise. Turn it back on?" he looks down at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," I roll my eyes and smile, "But I'm gonna try to rest a little before dinner so try to keep it quiet?"

"Sure thing," he smiles and kisses my forehead, "Rest well," he turns the TV back on and turns the volume down. I close my eyes and curl into his side. I never thought I'd be falling asleep with a guy watching "Say Yes to the Dress," but it's actually kind of cute.

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