Chapter 1--The Concert

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“You'll love them, I promise!" Arden squeals and finishes French braiding her thick, chestnut hair. She turns to me and flashes me a smile.

I roll my eyes, "Honestly, I don't get what the big deal is. They're just another boy band."

"Lila!" Arden screeches, "How could you? Just another boy band? Just another boy band? You don't understand! They're all so perfect! They're cute and funny and they can sing and they're smart and--"

"I know, Arden, you've only told me a million times," I sigh, "It's just not really my thing. Fangirling and researching them all the time, it suits you, not me."

Arden shakes her head, "If you tried it, it'd suit you, too."

I laugh, "Maybe. How 'bout we just stick with you dragging me-- I mean, bringing me to their concert?"

"Fine. But, you've gotta wear the shirt!" she grins.

"No!" I giggle, "It'd feel wrong!"

"Oh, come on! You'll fit right in."

"Except that I don't know their music, or their names, or--"

"All right, all right, I get it!" Arden laughs, "But you still have to wear it."

"No," I shake my head, "I don't want to be one of those fake fans that you hate. What do you call them?"

"Directionator," she replies effortlessly.

"Yeah, one of them," I go over to the mirror and start brushing my hair, "I'd get jumped."

"Probably... I'd protect you, though," she offers.

"Yeah, 'cause you're so tough," I laugh.

She sticks her tongue at me, "Just wear it. Please."

"Nope," I put the brush down and turn to her, "I value my life more than your shirt, and no amount of begging will change that."

"Fine," she pouts, "Hey, do you know if Mom bought the carrots like I asked?" she goes to the kitchen.

"How should I know? And why does it matter?" I call after her.

She comes back in the room with a bag of baby carrots, "'Cause Louis likes girls who like carrots."

"Which one's he?"

"Oh, dear..." she sighs, "Just, try not to talk to anyone at the concert, okay?"

"No problem!" I laugh, "Ready to go?"

"Does Harry like curvy ladies?" she replies excitedly.

I stare at her blankly, "Well... Most guys do... So, yes?"

"Yes!" she laughs and we head out the door, tickets in hand.


 We finally get to the concert and I'm actually shocked at how close Arden got the tickets. We aren't on the floor, but we are super close! In fact, all we have to do is walk down ten stairs and we'd be on the floor. 

"Lila, look!" Arden whispers to me excitedly just five minutes before the concert, "There are five seats down there that are empty!"

"Arden, there are still five minutes before the concert, those people are gonna show up any minute now," I shake my head.

"You mean there are only five minutes before the concert. Anyone that bought tickets that close would have been here half an hour ago. They aren't cheap tickets."

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