Chapter 17--Down South

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Salt Lake is a good city to relax in. There's honestly not much to see besides Temple Square which, unless you're interested in the LDS church or you're a history fanatic, isn't terribly interesting. 

After Salt Lake, we head up to Seattle, Washington. We go up in the Space Needle and around the Chihuly Glass Garden, which is gorgeous. We eat at a different seafood restaurant every day and go swimming in the Puget Sound. One day, the boys leave me to go do a concert in Vancouver, Canada, and I help myself to some shopping.

Our time in Washington comes to an end unfortunately and we move out to Denver, Colorado. The mountains are gorgeous and provide some fantastic, if a little difficult, hiking.

Finally, we move down south. We hit Dallas, Texas, and Houston, Texas, in the same week. The food is great, the people are friendly, and the music is loud.

"Hey, guys, check this out!" Lou laughs as he comes into Zayn and Liam's room where the rest of us are watching an old John Wayne movie. He hands Harry his phone and he starts to laugh, too. Finally, the phone gets passed to me and I can't help but giggle. It's an ad for a square dancing club meeting tonight.

"We should go!" I grin. The boys look at me like I'm insane. I turn to Niall, "Please? It could be fun!"

"I don't know, Lila... Square dancing?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I nod, "C'mon, you don't know if you like it 'til you try it."

"We're not doing anything else tonight," Liam pipes up.

"I'll go," Lou nods, "But only if Harry agrees to be my partner."

"Sure thing, Boo Bear," Harry smiles.

"Well, Lila," Niall smiles, "you've managed to convince us."

I grin and we head out to the address listed on the ad. The dance hall is full of middle aged and older couples so when we walk in we get some confused looks. The teacher comes to us and introduces herself, then pairs us up. Niall and I are together, obviously, she finds partners for Zayn and Liam, and when she tries to split up Harry and Lou they quickly explain that they're together. This gets us more confused looks. However, the teacher doesn't ask any questions. She just leaves them and goes to the front to start teaching.

Square dancing is actually kind of hard.

"I can't believe I let you drag me into this," Niall laughs breathlessly as we spin around for the millionth time.

"You love it, don't deny that!" I grin.

To our right, Lou and Harry are trying to stay coordinated, but you can tell they're super dizzy. Further down the line, Liam is doing his best to focus on what the teacher is saying as well as what his partner is doing and Zayn looks thoroughly confused.

"The others seem to be enjoying it," I laugh.

"Are you kidding?" he laughs, "Liam's gonna brood over this till he gets it right and Zayn'll go home confused. Haz and Lou? They have fun anytime they look stupid, so, yeah, they're enjoying themselves."

"Don't be a party pooper," I fake pout, "Tell me they're having a good time so I don't feel bad for dragging them out here."

"They did it to themselves," he smiles, "But if it makes you feel better, then, yes, they're having a fantastic time."

"Good," I smile, "And what about you? Are you having a good time?"

"I'm with you, aren't I?" he whispers as we come together for the end of the dance. I blush and kiss him quickly on the cheek.

Before the class is over, we go through the entire dance again, and fast. By the end of it, Harry and Lou are on the floor panting, Zayn's partner is complaining of stepped on toes, Liam looks like he actually got it and is high-fiving his partner, and Niall looking at me like I just dragged him through hell and back.

"What?" I laugh, "You're still with me, aren't you?"

He laughs and shakes his head, "You're damn lucky I love you."

I put my arms around his neck, "I know."

We go back to the hotel and order barbeque to Liam and Zayn's room, then just relax for the rest of the night, continuing our John Wayne movie marathon.

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