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You and Lucy, your best friend, were hanging out at your house. Your mum and dad weren't to be home for hours so you could listen to your favourite bands on full blast! Your brother didn't care, in fact he enjoys it because you both love the same bands. Your parents weren't so happy with it though, your mum would yell at you every time you played any of your favourite song out loud and your dad well he would yell at you just for mentioning one of your favourite songs let alone play any. Your parents were kind of disappointed in you and your brother, both you and Matt loved the punk emo style, you actually fell in love with it because of Matt, he would show you all these cool bands and haircuts and you'd love every second of it. See Matt didn't have a job so your parents insisted it's because of his hair and style, saying it's "to strange" or "inappropriate for the work place" and it got worse when he got tattoos, so now that you've followed in his footsteps they blame him and your style for why you don't have a job ether. Honestly you've had enough of their bullshit at this point, you just want to be who you are and not be judged for it. There were many people that inspired you to do that but one of those people really stood out, Andy Biersack. He was truly emo punk and his words of wisdom always inspired you, you'd probably never be able to handle your parents without him.

Your POV
"Hey (y/n)? You okay? Heeellloo?"
Lucy was slowly waving her hand in my face, I was pulled from my thoughts and brought back to the loud blasting music in my room
"Yeah, sorry completely spaced out then"  I lightly chuckle
"Yeah you pretty much went to the fucking moon and back, you Okay?"
I laughed at her comment
"Really Lucy, I'm okay alright"
I smile softly to reassure my friend
"Alright girl as long as your not lying to me I'll ignore it"
She laughed a little and then her attention was suddenly pulled to the music
She practically jumped for joy, I now smile wide and started hopping around with Lucy to the song 'wake up', we sing along to the song and enjoy every moment spinning and dancing away with no real organisation.
"I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIT" Lucy screams in my face, I smile back and scream
Then suddenly my door swings open and my brother screams at us
We all laugh and Matt joins in the sing along. We end up playing only BVB songs. Soon the 'not karaoke' karaoke was finished, we all ended up running out of energy and chilling for a bit. I decided to get on Twitter and see what's going on, nothing much like most days.
"Hey (y/n), dare you to tweet at Andy saying something stupid"
She smirked at me, she knew I never turn a dare down
"If you give me a 20 then okay"
"Deal" she smirked but it was more of a 'you're not going to do it I know you're not gunna do it' smirk
"What you think I won't do it?" I said smirking back
"Hey I mean I know you will take on any dare but I know for a fact you'd do nothing to look like an idiot to Andy Biersack"
"Well bitch guess what"
"I've already done it"
I dropped my phone like a mic, Lucy went wide eyed
"Wait what hold on prove it!"
"Sure thing"
I opened my phone and showed her my Twitter

I invite @Andybiersack to have a tea party at my house. Please bring a tea bag and a cup, I only got one cup.
P.S Make sure you bring cookies Miss Fingal bottom will be pleased

Lucy was now laughing her ass off on the floor and so was Matt who had also read the tweet.
"oh my fucking god (y/n) what if he sees that?" She said in between laughs
"Pfft come on like he'd ever see this, he's probably mentioned in like a thousand tweets a day I doubt he'll see this one little tweet"
"If you say so girl"
I laughed with her for a bit till Matt shot up and turned the music off
"Hey why you turn it off?"
"We lost track of time dumbfucks! Mums going to be here any second! Lucy you need to go"
"Oh shit okay bye guys see you later"
"bye Lucy"
She ran out the house as fast as she could and just in time, my mums car just pulled into the driveway just as Lucy was out of sight, thank the gods she has long legs.
—— Time skip to dinner time ——
"So... Matt... found a job yet" asked dad with a raised eyebrow with false hope clear in his judgmental eyes,
"No and it has nothing to do with you"
out of the blue dad slammed his hands on the table
"For fuck sake! Why can't you two just be successful?! I moved out of my parents home when I was fucking 19 Matt you're 27! And (y/n) you're 23! Why won't you just look normal and get a fucking job!"
I stood up
"You know fucking what? fuck you! You can't tell me who to be!"
Then Matt stood with new found confidence
"You know I didn't want to tell you assholes this but if it shuts you up then I will, I have a fucking house! Ive had a house for a fucking week now! And you know fuck this shit i' m moving tomorrow, that's final"
The table was silent. No one spoke. Matt then looked up at me
"(Y/n) your welcome to come stay with me"
"Yes, Now go pack, I don't want to linger in this shit hole for long"
I smiled and ran upstairs and started packing. I packed all my clothes and make up and everything I wanted, I found boxes in Matts room, I'm sure we could spare a few. Soon enough I was done and ready to be free.

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