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Andy had kindly drove me over to mine and Matt house, luckily we got away from the crowd early enough to not be noticed sneaking off, when I got to the house Matt hugged me with the most strongest bear hug you've ever had. "So you're actually doing this? I can't fucking believe it"
I laugh "yep it's actually happening! Andys talked it over with monty and he agreed to let me tag along!"
Andy was taking box after box from my room to the car, he refused to let me carry any of the heavy boxes, what a gentleman.
"Listen (y/n) I wanted to talk to you about well this" his hand gestures to the boxes, concern filled me as matts face became serious, he pulled me to the side out of ear shot from andy
"I love you and you know that but I'm just worried about all this"
"Worried? Why?"
"(Y/n) you guys haven't been dating for that long, don't you think this is kind of rushed?"
"I... I don't think so. I love Andy with all my heart I genuinely feel like this is right"
"You can see where I'm coming from right?"
"Of course! Your my brother id expect you to be worried"
I smile and hug him tightly
"Don't stress about me, Andys the best thing to happen to me and I honestly feel safe with him"
"Well if you really trust this situation then I'll go along with it too, you're an adult after all"
"Listen I get my new phone tomorrow before we leave for the airport, I'll contact you every day with what I'm doing, okay? And we can face time too"
He smiled at me happy I at least wanted to show him I'd be okay, if I'm being honest I felt worried too, not about Andy but about the whole running away situation, technically I'm not really running away, I'm an adult and can my own choices but it kind of feel like I'm running from my problems, as if on cue Matt felt my discomfort
"Your questioning something I can tell, Whats on your mind?"
"Am I running away from my problems?"
"Your probably over think this, like you said you trust this, I'm sure mum and dad will chill and fuck off like they always do"
I laugh and smile at him, we hug once more and walk back over to Andy who had seen we were talking alone and knew to leave us to our chat
"What was the club meeting about?"
"Nothing important"
Andy laughed but I could tell he had some questions about our chat
"Okay so everything in the car if you wanna head back now, or do you want some more time here?"
I smiled at Andy and took a deep breath
"No I think it's time to say goodbye"
I turned to Matt only to be greeted with Matt sobbing
"I'm gunna miss you"
"Aww I'll miss you too"
We hugged for the last time and said our goodbyes. Andy said goodbye to Matt but it was more of the "bro goodbye" that one hand hold hug thing guys do.
We got back to the little hotel we were staying at until monty got the replacement bus, as we got in the crowds were waiting for us, hotel employees were trying to move the herd away but the crowd outnumbered them, yells and scream rang though the lobby, I covered my ears from the loud fan girl noises but I couldn't help but listen to what they were screaming at us
"Are you going to get married?"
"How long have you been dating?"
"I heard you two are having problems, is this true?"
The fuck is wrong with these people? The crowd shifted closer and closer to us almost shoving us into the wall, finally two large security guys came pushing though forcing the crowed back from us
After what seem like hours Andy and I got back to the hotel room, I breathed a sigh of relief even though I could still hear the crowd scream
"I didn't think they would find our hotel so soon" andy seemed disappointing that the plan of getting a room in a small simple hotel would work
"There all reporters and fan girls they would find you anywhere"
"That's true, are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine don't worry"
We were silent for a moment
"When you come on tour with me, this is going to be the normal"
"Well, I just want to make sure your okay with this"
"They know my name now so they would stalk me no matter where I went, I'd rather be with you"
"Your not freaked out?"
"Well yeah, but it's fine I'll get used to it all"
He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, my arms wrapped loosely around his neck, I lay my head on his chest, his sweet sent relaxes me and I melt to his touch
"I love you"
I look up at him smiling
"I love you more"
He places a soft kiss on my lips, out mouths fit perfectly together as we share this moment together, just us, no fans watching, no need to hide, just us happy together.
Kid kisses trailed down my neck, sending shivers down my spine, he finds my sweet spot and starts to bite and suck leaving his mark in the most obvious place
"Andy you little shit"
"What? I want people to know your all mine"
I laugh feel giddy and he continued his kiss attack on my neck, I feel him smiling against my skin, then he moves away suddenly
"What up?"
"I just remembered I have something for you"
I watched Andy as he made his way over to his travel bag, he pulled out a little box and walked back over to me smiling like an idiot, we sit on the bed as I inspect the box he held, "so I saw this yesterday and I just had to get it for you, I hope you like it"
I take the box from his hand with care, feeling this is something important and delicate
I slide the lid off the box and I'm greeted with the most beautiful little necklace I've ever seen

Kid kisses trailed down my neck, sending shivers down my spine, he finds my sweet spot and starts to bite and suck leaving his mark in the most obvious place "Andy you little shit""What? I want people to know your all mine"I laugh feel giddy and h...

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"Oh my god Andy this is beautiful!"
"You like it?"
"Like? I love it, thank you"
I place a kiss on his cheek. I pull the necklace out of the box carefully and hand it to Andy
"Help me put it on?"
He smiled "of course"
I turn around and he placed the necklace around my neck and clasped it shut, I stand and look in the mirror on the wall
My eye are watering as I smile at the necklace
"I'm glad you love it"
I turn and hug him
"Your so amazing I love you"
He laughed and hugged me back
"I love you more then you can ever imagine"

Authors note
Hey guys! Sorry for the slow updates, lately I've been occupied trying to get my final major project finished for collage. However I will try my best to get as many updates out as I can! I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story! I never expected this to get noticed as much as it has and I'm so great full.
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

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