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Here we are, Matt dropped me off at the fount stage and when on his own way wishing me a fun time before he disappeared. Andy was still getting ready out back so I scrolled though my Instagram to pass the time, I saw many people posting about this very concert and how excited they were "he me too", my phone suddenly pinged, a text form andy! "Look up" I pull my head up only to be greeted by a loving kiss. "Andy! People will see!" My face was definitely a bright shade of red, Andy laughed at my embarrassment, "fuck it, let them see, I don't want some fucker making a move on you now do I" he winked at his comment only making me blush more. A call came from behind the stage got andy "oh I gotta go babe, see you up front right?" I smile "of course! Love you!" He smiles back "love you more" with that he left me to scroll through my phone before the show started. New photos started popping up on Instagram and Twitter, it was andy and I kissing. Uh oh is this really what I wanted? Well yes but not this fast! Most of the comments on the photos were sweet, things like "I'm glad he found someone he loves! ❤️" or "she's so cute! Happy for andy!" I liked all those comment, pretty much letting people know who I was, however in the wave of supporters there where many who opposed me. Comments like "who's that whore?" And "stupid slut probably forced andy to kiss her" started showing up more often. One of the worst ones pop up just as your where about to shut your phone off "is that (y/n)? I went to school with her, she's just an ugly whore lol, hopefully she'll kill her self like that Megan girl 😂" my heart dropped so far I think it hit the core of the earth, who was that? And why would they say such a disgusting thing!? I shut my phone of at that point. Maybe this was a bad idea. I started regretting letting andy publicity kiss me, but the support was more then enough to get though it. Fuck them! Andy can love whoever he wants and I'm that girl! There just jealous anyway.

The shows was loud and amazing! Lights flashing different colours, Andy sighing and jumping about on stage, everyone screaming. It was like I died and gone to heaven! But like all good things, it came to an end, Andy thanked the crowed but before he left he had a special announcement, "okay everyone listen up! Down in front Is someone very special to me! (Y/n) get up here!" Oh god, I nervously climbed out the fencing with help form security, then around to the steps onto the stage, I walked up to Andy and gave him my best bear hug I could give, "everyone this is my amazing, beautiful, kind, loving and supporting girlfriend! I want everyone to be nice to her okay?" Everyone, to my surprise, cheered and screamed my name,I saw a few girls in the crowd with sour faces, ha jealousy isn't a pretty colour. I enjoyed this moment until a voice made itself known and it was all you could focus on, "it should have been YOU not Megan!" She repeated that again and again, until the crowd started to hear her too, "SHUT UP BITCH" was what many people yelled back but most stayed quite so andy could hear what she was saying. "The fuck are you saying? Who's Megan?" He turned to me for the last part, but he didn't need an answer when he saw the tears run down my checks. "Your disgusting" was all he said before he dragged me off stage and left the crowd to rip the bitch a new one. Once he got you back stage you could here the crowd screaming at the girl and I'm pretty sure she much have left after that as the crowd cheered and started to break apart.
"Can I know what she meant?" Andy pulled me out of my thoughts "oh... Megan she... she was my cousin. She took her own life" Andy went quite as he processed the situation. "Sorry about all this. I shouldn't have been so quite to let everyone know publicly" I could tell Andy felt shit about this "it's fine, their just being jealous little rats. And that bitch well she's always been like that" he looked a little more clam then before "who was she?" It took me a moment to pin point her face but god, now it made so much sense "she's Megan's sister"

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