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"You two really had to do that without me knowing?" Andy manager had pulled us away from everyone to talk privately about the situation we were put in, he was worried about the reactions of fans and how he could have told us this would happened if we had just told him. "It was unplanned, I just wanted to be romantic" Andy defended himself "yes I was romantic really andy but know we have to right a statement, I was confused at this "a statement? Why no one said anything THAT bad" he shook his head at me "lucky you didn't hear the things that girl said when you got off stage" he sighed harshly clearly stressed "what did she say?" He looked up at me a bit concerned "I'm not sure need to hear it to be honest with you" I shook my head back at him, my brows frowned at him "I want to know" he was hesitant but agreed, he held out a paper and began to read "and I quote, that stupid fucking whore killed my sister, she killed her, she's a whore, she'll give Andy AIDS, I hope she gets hit by the fucking bus and dies on impact... that's all she got out before the crowed chased her out" he put the paper down looking disgusted by what he had to read out. "Shit (y/n) the hell happened" Andy looked pissed off at the whole situation "she hates me that's why she said it all. Some fucked up shit happened way back, she blames be for her sister passing away and has it out for me, she won't do anything" I wrapped my arms around myself feeling sick to my stomach, Andy's manager stood up sliding two sheets of lined paper over to us "either way, you both gotta right a statement on the whole thing, and from now on you young lady can't be alone till the cops determine this a non dangerous situation" I smirked "I feel like a celebrity, getting body guards" he smirked back but more sad "well you are now. Every single BVB fan knows who you are, that's makes you famous, congrats" you sighed accepting this is just a new chapter in your life that's you'd have to live with, at least you had andy by your side. Andy led you back to the tour bus, allowing you both some privacy for a few minutes "I'm sorry this happened babe" Andy sounded genuinely sad and guilty by the event today, you smiled and placed a warm hand on top of his "it's not your fault, no one knew she'd do that today, seriously Andy, it's fine and I love you" he smiled at you "I love you too, hows your statement going?" You sighed down at the paper, you finished the statement a while ago you just kept reading it again and again making sure no details were left out. "I'm done... I think" he nods "me too, though yours is a lot longer then mine" he laughed nervously "I just like detail, I'm all good" he smiled comfortingly at you "are you sure?" You smiled and nodded, Andy left to give the statement to his manager, leaving you alone with your thoughts, did this really have to happen today? Today was supposed to be great, but now your locked up in a tour bus scared of a petty bitch, a bang pulled you out of your head into reality "the fuck" before you could even stand to investigate one of the bus windows shattered, someone though a fucking rock at the window, you covered your head to protect form anymore incoming rock attacks, a yell called from outside the bus "Get out here you whore!" It's was her, Fiona. "Get the fuck away! I'll call the cops!" You scream back at her, trying not to sound scared but really you where, "awww are you sacred poor little slut! How about you stop using your famous boyfriend to hide away and actually fucking face me!" You bravely stand and move to the shattered window, you saw her just standing there, sunglasses covering her eyes, hair in a high ponytail, she wore a white crop top with shorts. She didn't have anymore rocks at least "I need you too leave Fiona" she scoffed "nah I don't think I will" you thought for a second, if you keep her hear Andy might see and get the cops and she can get arrested right here right now. Sounds like a plan. "Listen I don't know what you want-" "you don't know? You know damn fucking well what I want" you just laughed in a nervous state "I really don't! Your crazy!" She almost looked liked she was about to climb up the side of the bus and take you out right now "you killed Megan, I want you to fucking own up!" She just stared at her "killed? Are you that stupid? I didn't kill her your sister, I loved your sister! We were family! We still are! Why can't you just let me be and move on, Megan took her own life Fiona, it's time to come to terms with it" Fiona just went silent for a moment "no. She wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for you. You told her- you- you made her! She was so happy!" You felt almost sorry for her, you made your choice, you stepped away form the window and down to the bus doors, you hesitate for a moment before pushing the button to open the doors, Fiona didn't make a move for you, she just folded her arms and watched you move towards her, "listen Fiona, I miss Megan too, but that doesn't mean you can blame me or anyone else for what she did, she acted happy but deep down you know she wasn't" She still didn't move, she stayed put, almost refusing to move. "Can you please, let me live my life, and you can leave here today, no arrest, no charges, no back lash" she looks away from you "if that some sort of threat?" You moved closer but slowly in case she maybe did have a hidden weapon "no threats. I promise, can you please just, move on Fiona, I know it's hard but this isn't the way to do it" you placed a friendly hand on her arm, hoping this wasn't a mistake "can we move on form this?" She was Vulnerable, she took your hand but moved it off her arm, she stepped away "I'll leave but I will not hold hands and sing a song about being best of friends with you, I hope your lovely little life works out for you. Megan would be jealous" with that she left, you stood there in place slightly disappointed in the results, that was the dumbest shit you've ever done, well done. Andy is gunna be pissed about the window.

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