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I wake up and recall what happened last night, the call was just amazing but wow I'm tried, I wonder if Andy slept okay?, I look over at my phone and see a TEXT from him, he's actually texting me now, I open my phone and read the text, "Hey (y/n) I hope you slept well, I won't be able to talk much, I'll call you when I can x" ... was... was that a kiss at the end! A KISS!!! Holy fuck! My brain shuts down and stops functioning and I take my time to process what I just read, holy what hello? X? I feel a blush cover my face and I bury my face in my pillow, I've been blessed by the punk gods, I look back at my phone and type my own reply "Hey! I slept great thanks! And that's fine I'll speak to you than! Have fun x" I take a moment should I leave the x? Hmmm? What if he miss clicked? Aw fuck it whatever I'm doing it! I click send and then freak out after like I always do, I get up and take a shower and get dressed reluctantly, i decide to go on a walk just to see what the town looks like,if I'm going to living here I best know the area, I walk down stairs and grab my jacket and slip on my shoes "Hey where you off too?" Matt calls to me from the kitchen "for a walk I wanna look around" he puts a thumbs up "be safe don't get taken by vampires!" "It's day and will do!" "Have you even seen vampire diaries (y/n)" I laugh and walk out and look around, looks pretty nice so far, I make my way down the street and pass a couple people, I wave and they smile and wave back, woah people who wave back? That's amazing what is this Canada? I carry on walking till I hear panting and then something jump on me I'm knocked to the ground "oh shit I'm sorry!" I turn over and see a huge dog just standing over me I laugh and pet it's head, the dog then rolls over and I rub it belly "I'm so so sorry about that!" I look up and see a man around my age breathing heavy from running, he has a thin beard and a navy baseball cap on and some ripped knee jeans matched with a black "panic at the disco" hoodie "it's okay! Your dog is cute so it's an instant pass" He smiles "thanks his names Rex!" I look at the huge dog "Rex? Really?" He shrugs "my little brother named him don't judge" I laugh "oh and my names Jack!" He puts a hand out and I take it, he was definitely taller then me but nothing to drastic, "sorry about my dog he sees new people and just goes for it" I laugh "really it's fine, my names (y/n) by the way, nice to meet you" I put a hand out for him to shake and he happily takes it "you're new as I can tell, saw you and a guy move in down the street" I nod "yep that's me and the guy is my brother Matt" we talk for a bit "right I better be on my way, hey I'll see you around!" He walks off as I wave goodbye to him and Rex, I carry on walking and I finally get to some shops, I look around in some but many aren't that interesting, I start walking back and I see it's actually getting a bit dark, how long was I gone, I start making my way home but as I'm walking I hear something down an alleyway, I look down but I see nothing. I carry on walking but faster, the sound happened again but closer, I speed up again, suddenly I see someone walking up to me in a hood, he gets closer I try to pass but he grabs me and throws me to the floor "you're new right?" He asks "fuck off" he kicks me "be nice now" I get up but he just pushes me down again, suddenly more people come out of no where they all gather around me like occult but with shitty outfits, they start to get closer, one grabs my ponytail and yanks me up I yelp in pain, they start to empty my pockets, they take my stuff, my phone, my purse, my bracelet. "HEY! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER" a deep voice yells from up the road, they run towards us the attackers drop everything and just run, pussys , "STAY THE FUCK AWAY DICKHEAD" the stranger yells to them, he picks up my stuff and looks at the phone the light from it shows his face...
I look up

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