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"So what? You just let her walk away?" I looked away from him and let my eyes wonder the dirt on the ground, Andy was pissed off at the situation and by the sounds of it I wasn't going Scott free either.
"I'm sorry Andy but like I said a thousand times, it's over! Fiona is gone and she's got her tantrum over with" he scoffed at the comment like I was an idiot to believe she was done, it hurt my feelings honestly, the fact he didn't believe in me or my thoughts
"Over? (Y/n) are you serious? Listen" he walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder, looked deep into my eyes, ensuring his words got across to me
"She's a fucking psychopath, she's never going to be done as long as she sees your happy, she's just gone for now because she can't do much against the cops"
I  broke the eye contact he held and I knew I was growing annoyed by this whole thing
"Why can't you just let this be the past now? She's gone, yes it was the sweet fairytale ending but fuck sake can't you just please let them be some peace now!"
He let go and basically stormed away
"you could have been killed!"
"Killed? I was hardly in danger!"
"Hardly!? One rock to your head could have fucking killed you!"
"She would never go that!"
"Why are being fucking stupid!"
"Me? Are you joking Andy?"
"Does it sound like I'm joking? Your in denial and just- just-"
"Just what!?"
"Your being just so fucking stupid and pathetic!"
"Wow... just fucking wow, Andy I love you with all my heart but That won't stop me being honest with you"
"Nor me"
"You're being a dick, I'm not pathetic for this, I just want to be happy again without a stupid family issue ruining everything, you're letting this be a thing, you! Are letting this whole Fiona ordeal be the death of us!"
Andy went silent, he seemed to finally listen to my words rather then yell over them, he rubbed his face in frustration and it looked him all the pressure he held was released
"I'm sorry, I just I'm worried about you, about US, she seriously could have hurt you or worse killed you, on purpose or not. Your a kind hearted person, I love you too and all I want is to know you'll be safe because I couldn't live with myself if just walk away from here without doing something and have it get you hurt in the future"
I smiled at him in the most comforting way I could, I walk over to him and pull him into a hug
"It's fine Andy, nothings going to happen, she's gone, for real. I'm safe and plus I can take care of myself I promise!"
"Are you sure? Your okay with leaving this situation alone?"
"Yes I really am Andy, I'm totally cool"
I smile wider at him, I place a small but loving kiss on his cheek
We share a moment of just hugging and small kisses, it was a peaceful and calm moment
"I'm sorry I called you stupid" his voice was hush and guilt filled
"Oh shut up, it's fine you were mad and I get it, if I was in your position I'd call me stupid too"
"But your not"
"No I'm the smartest bitch you'll  meet"
We laughed together, the tension no longer around us
"Shit what am I going to do about the bus?"
"Oh yeah"
We looked at the bus and how fucked it was, Andys manager is gunna be pissed about this one for sure
"I feel bad for this one, maybe I could work up some money and get it fixed?" I suggested the idea knowing full well I'd never be able to pay for all this
"Nah it's fine, I'm sure we can figure something out"


so me and Andy has told Monty, Andys manger, about the tour bus and oh boy he was PISSED, went on yelling about how we just have trouble following us around, gave Andy and I a good laugh though. For right now we sat in the dressing room Andy had set up, eating Chinese take away, watching some shitty show on TV. We left the whole argument in the past and let bygones be bygones,
"Hey babe?"
"Hmm?" I looked over to him my mouth still full of food
"Do you... think this was a good idea?"
I was confused for a second as he was still looking at the tv, I wasn't really watching it before, I looked over and saw it was one of those 90 second celebrity news shows, it was us and they were talking about how 'good we looked together'
"Oh... honestly I don't know yet, I think it's opened a lost of doors we didn't want to open but honestly we'd have to at some point"
"What doors are those?"
"Well things like public judgment and fan girls feeing like I took away there true loves"
"Well deal with that when we get to it, as of right now it seems they like us"
"Yeah but now we're under a microscope, everything we do together will be watched"
"Andy what if people saw or heard us fighting? We'd be torn apart"
"Oh yeah shit I guess that's true"
"Listen the public will think what they think I guess, what matters is we're happy"
"And that we are"
Smiled at me lovingly, my heart skipped a beat
"I wanted to ask you something else"
"What's up"
"Your parents, will I ever meet them?"
I chocked on my drink
"Meet them? You'd be lucky to seen speck to them"
"Do they even know about us?"
"I don't know, I mean maybe? They really don't keep up with this stuff"
"Do that's a no on meeting them?"
"I- maybe later in the future?"
"That's fine"
"I'm sorry Hun it's just-"
I was cut off by my phone ringing, I picked it up form the arm of the sofa and saw that Matt had tried to call me at least six times
"Shit, hey Matt was wrong?"
"What's wrong!? I thought you were fucking dead!"
"Woah chill"
"You didn't answer my calls"
"My phone must have been in my dressing room the whole time!"
"You always take your phone with you!"
"Listen Matt I'm sorry!"
"Yeah well youve got a bigger problem then me being pissed"
"What's wrong?"
"It's mum and dad"
"Oh shit what now?"
"Well surprisingly they know about your new love and you can figure out how they took it"
"Shit shit shit, are they mad?"
"Mad? You don't know the half of it, mum just called me for like the first time and god did I get an ear full I can't imagine what you'll get"
"Well umm just block there numbers"
"You can't block people in real life this ain't black mirror"
"What.... are they coming here?"
"I don't know, but I suspect when they hear about what happened today, your full blown fucked"
"They can't do anything to me!"
"Bitch that phone bill won't be payed"
"They pay my phone? I though- didn't they cut that off?"
"Nope sorry sis but they have been keeping that from you, remember those times when your phone just stopped getting any service out of no where"
"That was them?"
"Yeah they cut you off whenever they liked"
"Those assholes!"
"Yeah well what are you gunna do now?"
"Get a new phone for starters"
"I mean about them"
"Oh well I could just... leave"
"Leave? To where!"
Andy tapped my shoulder
"Hold on Matt... yeah?"
"You could come with me! We'd always be moving!"
"But they could follow?"
"There's no way they could afford it"
"Wait like go e v e r y w h e r e?"
"Yes, everywhere, you fly before?"
"Oh my fucking god your not joking"
"No I'm not, you could really come with us!"
"I- Matt, yeah I'm leaving!"
"Andys taking me on tour with him!"
"Hold up!!  You gotta think about this!"
"I've made up my mind I'm going with him!"
"(F/n) (m/n) (l/n) you can't be Serious about this!"
"Oh yes I am, it's the perfect plan, I'd always be moving, they could never afford to follow, I'd get a new phone and everything it's perfect!"
"Oh my god there no stopping you is there, if ANYTHING goes wrong you come back right away okay? Come get your stuff first too, I want to at least say bye to you"
"Of course! It'll be great I promise"
"Yeah I hope so"

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