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Andy had left and now I was so BORED! I should probably start to figure out what I'm going to wear tomorrow, nothing to fancy clearly but cute, maybe even hot. It's going to be sunny so how about a skirt? Yeah why not, I rummage around my fresh smelling wardrobe for that adorable black circle skirt my cousin Megan got me. I feel the soft fabric touch my hand and I recognise it as the skirt, it's strange how we can do that, just mesmerise the texture of an item of clothing and recognise it. I pull the skirt out and smile, it's jet back with a jack skeleton pack neatly placed at the side corner, god I love it still, definitely wearing this. I grab black tights to match, now a top to wear, how about... this! I reach and pull out an off the shoulder jumper, its grey with black arms, it blank but still cute. Finally I pick out my 'goth shoes' that make me 3 inches taller, I remember wearing these to school, my friends had no clue how much shorter I really was, ha tricked them well though. Picking out a few nice accessories, I feel my outfit is complete, I lay it out on my bed and place everything were it would be when on, do that weird thing some people do and picture it on me rather then just trying it on. I'm happy with it. "Is that what your wearing to the show tonight?" Matt asked, he's leaning in my door frame smirking at me, "yeah, what you think?" He enters my room and examines my outfit "it's nice, you'll look great... is that the skirt Megan got you?" I smile "yeah it is..." he go silent "I miss her too you know" my smile drops, Megan was my favourite cousin, she was so sweet to me and supported my unhealthy obsession with Jack skeleton, she lived so far away, I always thought she was happy too... I guess I was wrong... we were all wrong. Megan took her own life about 5 years ago now. We found out she was bullied badly, I wanted to kill all those assholes who hurt her. It was a rough part in my life. "(Y/n) you okay?" I smile at Matt "yeah I'm fine, I think it's time I brake this skirt in" he smiles at me too "I think so too, she would be screaming if she knew you were dating Andy" I laugh "she would probably force me to make him meet her" I laugh more at the memories of Megan "I feel like I'm taking her with me wearing this" Matt pats my shoulder "You have a good heart" I hug Matt "she had a good heart" he agrees "you want pizza again?" "Can we get Chinese pllleeaasseee??" He sighs "Finnnneeee" he leaves to order, I stare at the outfit, I hope Megan's happy where she is.

I woke up to my alarm blasting tunes at me, ew why so loud... THE SHOW! Today is the show for BVB! I jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom beating Matt who just opened his door to go in "wooaahh slow down bed head, the show isn't till tonight remember" I open the door to answer him "I know, but I want to be pampered before hand, you know like masks, a hot bath, doing my hair, shaving" "can I take a piss first?" I laugh at him "fine" he passes me "thank you your highness" he bows as he shuts the door, I quickly get my phone and see Andy texted me, "hey babe! Hope your pumped for the show tonight" I blush at the babe part, he's really not holding back is he? "Oh you know I'm ready! I'm going to get all dolled up" "sounds stressful" "it's beauty Andy" "sounds stressful x2" I laugh at his response "I picked out my outfit already and everything" "really? Wow show?" "Nope! You get to see at the show tonight" "uugghhh fine, hey gtg, love you" "love you too"

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