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I woke up and looked around, I feel Andy's arm still wrapped around me, I blush and turn back to face him, he slowly opens his eyes "morning" He smiles and yawns "morning back, you know I never expected to wake up and see you" He laughs "fast exaltation huh?" I nod "but i like it" He smiles "I like it too" I blush, he's so sweet, "how did you sleep?" I smile "good, how about you?" He smiles and looks at me "really good" He shakes me and sits up "come on then get up" "nooooo" he shakes me again "get up!" I laugh "okay okay" I sit up and he hugs me and gets out of bed "you got some rough bed head" he says pointing at me "ha says you" He laughs and heads off to the bathroom to get ready, he comes back looking like the normal handsome Andy we all know and love, I then head In, I decide to take a shower, I get undressed but clearly I forgot to lock the door as when I had nothing on Andy comes right in "Sorry I think I forgot my-" we both just stare at each other I cover myself and grab a towel, Andy is just blushing "Andy get out!" He snaps out of his gaze "oh shit sorry sorry sorry!" He then leaves and I rush to lock the door, I get showered and and dressed I go into my room and see Andy laid on my bed "Hey" He looks up and me and sit up "oh hey er listen sorry about that" I laugh "it's okay just knock next time okay?" He laughs too "yeah sorry but hey you look great if that makes it less embarrassing " I blush and slap his arm he laughs at my embarrassed face "shut up Andy oh my god" I poke his head and laugh again "never speak of this again!" He puts his hands up "you have word of great one" he laughs "hey listen I better be getting back to the tour bus, no doubt my mangers getting pissy with me" I feel slightly disappointed he has to go but I get it, he has to leave at some point. "Oh yeah of course, can't stop you doing your job" I chuckle "at least we'll get to see each other at the show" I forgot about the show again "oh yeah the show! That's tomorrow right?" He nods in confirmation "it is indeed, Make sure your in time, I'll be looking for you" he stands from my bed "this was great by the way, thanks for letting me stay, I left the pjs I wore in the bathroom" I smile "I had fun, your actually very enjoyable to be around" he smirks "oh am I? Well your definitely more then enjoyable to be around" and winks at me, I try to stand my ground in the flirting contest but I crake and turn read and laugh, "okay Mr smooth" he laughs at his new name, "right better be going" "yeah of course" we both make our way downstairs and to the door, Matts still asleep surprisingly so it just us, "I'll see you tomorrow" I smile at him, he reaches for the handle but pauses and looks at me as if he's debating something, then without warning he leans in and kisses me on the lips, it was a quick peck but god was it amazing. His lips are soft and intoxicating, he looks into my eyes waiting for my response, I didn't know what to say so I just did, I reached up to his face and kissed his, continuing the kiss he started, this kiss was longer and more passionate, but gentle and sweet. We break from the amazing kids and Andy's just smiling down at me like a goofy idiot and honestly so am I. "That's the best response I could of hoped for" I laugh and hug him "you better get going Romeo, have fun okay?" He laughs and soon leaves after many more hugs. "(Y/n) and Andy kissing in a tree, k I s s I n g!" I hear Matt yell from the top of the stairs "oh shut it! How long were you there?!" He laughs "long enough, oH GOoDBYe RoMeO I LovVvvvvvVve YoU" I run the stairs ready to beat his ass into yesterday, he very quickly stops laughing and runs like scoobydoo to his room and locks his door before I could get to him "I'm just messing with you (y/n)..... please don't hurt me" I laugh at his begging though the door "I won't hurt you, I pardon you" he opens the door slowly and leaves the safety of his room "FOOL" I hit his arm at hard as I could "OW WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?" I laugh a evil villain laugh "BECAUSE IM THE SMART ONE"  "oh really" "yes really" Matt then swings his arm at me hitting me with the same force it hit him "AH MY PLAN FAILED ME" I run back to my room like the coward I am leaving Matt his victory.
I check my and see Lucy has texted me, "hey fucker haven't spoken to you for a while, how's the free life" I smile, she's right we haven't spoken since I moved "sup goblin girl, miss you, the free life is going pprreettyy great, take a guess who I meet?" I wait to see if she'll guess "who?" "Guess" "fuck off" "okay so I meet ANDY!!" "ISHEVWHWUWHWIS ANDY ANDY ANDY!???????"
"Okay you get a pass, what was he like???"
"He was so sweet! Stayed the night and we CUDDLED and KISSED!!!"
"AHAHAHAHA He was so cute"
"I bet omg congrats you lucky duck!!! Can he hook me up???"
"Hmmm I'll see what I can get you"
"Fuck yeah, I hope it works out for you two, you guess sound SO cute!!!!"
"Awwww bitch thank you"
"Of course you wench"
"Your always so nice to me"
"Ikr I'm just so great"
I laugh and realise normal people would think this conversation was whack because we just insulted each other like seven times.
"I gtg fucker speak to you soon don't get knocked up!! Xxxx"
"Noted! Byyyere xxxx"
Once I leave that chat I see Andy has texted me too
"Hey x miss you already"
I blush at his cute text
"Awww miss you too cutie xxx"
"You're cuter xxx"
"Shut up you're adorable! Xxx"
"You're too sweet to me xxx"
I giggle like a school girl and out cute little conversation that sounds nothing like us
"Uuuggghhh are you sending cuTE text to your new boyfriend??" Matt so rudely interrupts,
"In fact yes" he makes a gag sound "I think ima throw up" I laugh at his joking "fuck off you tool" he laughs too "just messing with you, I'm happy your happy, but hey I just wanted to say to you, be careful okay?" I look at him confused "careful?" "Yeah just... he's a big person (y/n), your gunna get attention too, I just don't want it to freak you out and I know he's a great guy but I just..." I sigh "your worried he'll hurt me or someone will mess this up to hurt me or him?" Matt looks at me concerned "exactly, it's a big complicated thing dating a famous person, you become apart of it, just please promise me you'll be careful, maybe keep this under wraps for a bit?" I think about what he said but agree in the end "I promise, and yeah maybe your right, I kinda want to make sure this is real and not short term before going public" Matt smiles at "I'm glad you see what I mean, I'm not trying to piss on your parade or anything" I laugh at him "I get it your just being my brother it's fine" he gives me a reassuring look before leaving. I think about what he said a little longer, he right about everything, this is going to be complicated when it's public. I doubt Andy will want to go public either, at least not now, I just hope we can treat this like a normal relationship.

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