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Me and Matt finished unpacking finally! Over the day I was looked at my phone, still waiting to get a reply, fuck did I say something wrong? Maybe he did just get dragged away, maybe Matt is right. Of course he's going to be busy, just calm down (y/n), I breath in and calm myself, I tie my hair up in a ponytail and get into my nice pjs and sat on my bed and started doodling in my sketchbook, drawing eyes and mouths and noses just random stuff, but then a buzz vibrates my bed, I turn to look at my phone "Andy: oh shit (y/n) I'm really sorry I left you on read, I had to go see the venue and get shit set up and lost track of time! But while I was away I remembered you said you couldn't get tickets so I asked if there was anywhere left where you could go and lucky you! Someone cancelled! I managed to get the seat for you!" My eyes widen WHAT? Well that's a fucking reply indeed, I quickly open my phone "wait really!!! Andy you're not joking!!??" I was freaking out "No jokes! I swear you just have to pay that's all but the seat is yours!" I feel tears welling upon my eyes "omfg Andy I'm crying, I can't believe you did that for me!" Matt probably heard me and opens the door slowly "(y/n) you okay?" I jump up and hug him "Guess what! I'm going to be seeing Andy on tour!!" He smiles and hugs me "holy fuck that's amazing" I then realise "wait omg I'm sorry what about you!" He laughs "it's totally fine anyway I got tickets with my mates to another concert so it's fine, enjoy yourself you deserve it!" He hugs me once more and wonders off to his room again, I look at my messages "Please don't cry! I'm glad your happy! Hey this might be strange and I know it's late but can we FaceTime?" I'm lost for words at this point, "wait really I look like shit but sure! Hold on let me set up and stuff" he types back fast "cool! And I'm sure you look fine! Here's my number" he sends me his number, I set up my phone and call him, he picks up quickly, "Hey!" I can't believe it! On my screen right now is Andy!! "H-hi! Oh my god I can't believe this is real!" I'm a smiling mess, he laughs and smiles back "and I can't believe you said you look like shit, you look great" I blush and hide my face "oh god thank you" he chuckles at me once again "hey can I just ask, my manger is worried and just wants me to make sure you're not gunna like stalk and kill me or just give out my info" I laugh "no no don't worry I'm not like that, and your number is safe with me I swear! And trust me I wouldn't ever want to kill you you'd have to pay be rreaaally good money for that" He smiles "sounds good, I don't ever do this with fans, ends up bad most of time" I understand what he means, it wouldn't be exactly safe to do that with every fan "I get why you don't FaceTime every fan, but why me then?" He looks down for a second "I just... I feel it's different with you, like when I picked up you didn't scream or anything, it just it's strange, talking to you is like talking to someone I've known forever, a sorta lost best friend" I blush "aww that's sweet Andy" this time I think I see him blush and smile "I see you're in your pjs, I didn't wake you up or anything did I?" He looks kinda worried "oh no no I was just doodling in bed that's all and my pjs are just cozy so yeah I'm pretty much in them 24/7" he nods "your definitely coming to the show right?" I nod "hell yeah i would never give this up!" He smiles "Great! And hey I'll make sure you can see me after, like backstage though I wanna show you around the bus too if that's cool" me and Andy talk for hours and just laugh and have fun, it's amazing, it doesn't feel like I'm talking to a famous person but just a normal person I know. "Oh shit it's 3am" I look at the time "oh shit you're right!" He laughs "I guess it was just so fun talking to you i lost track of time" I blush "yeah same for you, you have a show tomorrow right?" He nods "then I better let you get some rest" he chuckles "yeah I guess sadly, I'll call you tomorrow after the show okay?" I nod and smile "okay cool well I guess this is goodnight, sleep well (y/n)" i smile wide at him "goodnight Andy" he hangs up and I just stare at my phone, wow that was the best call ever!

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