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Today was the day, The day I get to finally move out! I'm so excited but also nervous, and honestly my parents couldn't care less about this sudden turn of events, they probably wanted to kick us out soon anyway, this just made it easier. I walk out to the car carring what I could of my things and stuffing it into the back of my brothers car, Matt also did so. We somehow managed to stuff the car with all our belongings and get on the road snoor then we thought, we don't bother with goodbyes, neither did mum and dad they just watched us leaves probably waiting for us to be out of sight to start the party. I sat on my phone and messed around on games I hadn't touched for months, I also made another tweet for the special occasion, "fuck that house! just left and ready for a new start, I'm sick of being treated like shit. lets get this shit started baaadyyyy" I smile and sent the tweet off into the realm of twitter, Im so happy and excited, those assholes are happy we're gone anyway. I fall asleep on the long drive to the house and dream of the life I'm about to live.

I wake up to a deep blue sky not quite night but getting there, I'm still in the car but Matt isn't in here, I sit up and rub my eyes, blurring my sight for a second, I look around and I see the house I'll be staying in from now on. The lights are on and music is blasting, Matts already settled clearly. I get out and walk to the door, it's a little rough around the edges but hey so am I. I open the door and get hit with the smell of pizza, "Oi! (Y/n)! You're up! Sorry I left you in the car, I didn't really want to move you, you seemed cozy so I just left you but I left the heating on so brother points to me" I laugh, "thanks Matt and it's okay really, I got some good sleep anyway! also is that pizza I smell?" He smiles "hell yeah, I ordered some for us" I almost run to the table and stuff my face with pizza "I see you're hungry huh?" I nod and carry on stuffing my face. "What did you get done" I say with a mouth full of delicious pizza "oh just moved the boxes in, I didn't unpack anything of yours, I just left it in your room for you to deal with" I nod and thank him and make my way up stairs, I see the boxes and my bed and I'm already so excited.
I fell asleep on my freshly made bed, I smile knowing no one will force me to get up, I sit up and look around, I got most of my boxes done, just a couple with small things in, you know the kind of stuff you pack thinking it's important but realise you haven't used it since you were like 15, I can leave that for now and probably shove it under my bed. I get up and brush my hair as well as wash my face and get dressed, I walk back into my room to grab some socks and see my phone is blowing up with notifications from Twitter, I get confused and check what's going on thinking that maybe someone I follow has started drama. I see a large amount of people have started following me, same goes for my instagram. I scroll back and see the first notification from Twitter @andyblack has started following you @andyblack has replied to your tweet "I'd be glad to go to your tea party as long as I get to pick where I sit" I don't process what's happened at first then I read it over again till my brain shattered "OH MY FUCKING GOD" I yell loudly, my brother comes running upstairs due to my suddenly burst "(y/n) ARE YOU OKAY! WHATS GOING ON!" He looks like he also just got up, I jump up happy and excited and hug my brother "ANDY REPLIED TO MY TWEET AND HE FOLLOWED ME" I put my phone in his face, he garbs it and looks closer "Holy fuck... he really did!" I squeal happy "Oh my fucking god Matt OH MY FUCKING GOD" He laughs and smiles "congratulations sis looks like your famous now, don't forget about little old me now okay?" He hands me my phone "and looks like andys coming for tea, why the fuck did you tweet that again?" We both laugh "should I tweet back?" He shrugs and smiles "just message him see what happens" he wonders off to get dressed "okay (y/n) be smooth, calm and cool" I open my DMs and start to type out my beautiful message to andy "Hey Andy! thank you so much for following! I'm a huge fan!" I send the message happy but then panic internally thinking it wasn't good enough, but my panicking was pushed to the side when, very quickly, my phone buzzed making me look down "Hey! No problem, have to be polite if I'm so kindly invited to your tea party." I laugh at his reply "Lmao, of course! And yes you can choose where you sit! Just don't sit next to mr pinky, he gets grumpy when he drinks to much tea" I send and not even a minute after Andy is typing away "Noted. So (Your username) tell me about yourself" I'm surprise he's asked "oh well first you can call me (y/n), and well I'm 23, i love your songs, I love the colour (f/c) and that's all I can think off" I send that hoping to learn a bit back from Andy, the message was read and Andy starts typing once again making the butterflies not my stomach flip the fuck out "well I'm glad you're a fan, and my favourite is black I would say. You already now my name and age so no point with that, so I saw your tweet about moving out? What happened?" I think about my response for a bit, I never thought he'd read my tweets "It's just my mum and dad, they were such assholes, always yelled at me and my brother. they treated me like shit, some of the stuff they did was pretty bad" I send it ending with that, he reads it but takes a bit of time to respond "yeah I get it, I'm sure later on in time they'll try to get closer to you. But hey you've moved out that's something fun!" I smile, he managed to turn it around into something positive "yeah I guess thats true! Do you have anything fun going on?" He responds faster again "oh yeah got the tour going on right now! You going?" Oh shit! I just remembered he went on tour yesterday! "Oh yeah I just remembered! And I couldn't get tickets! They sold out really fast, I couldn't get the money in time :(" I add a sad face to show that I'm actually sad, I wanted to go so badly but money was an issue and by the time I got the money all the tickets were sold out, he doesn't respond, he read the message but left me on seen? Oh no, does he think I'm annoying? Fuck. Well it was nice while it lasted. I put my phone down and head downstairs to get some breakfast, lucky me Matts making pancakes "well well well look who's here the lady of the hour" he elbowed me and laughs "oh shut it, he left me on read anyway" he turned with a brow raised "first message?" I shake my head "no no like in the middle of a conversation" he does a harsh breathing in sound with his mouth like you would when you hit your toe but don't want to swear and breath in through your teeth "hmm that's rough, but hey he's on tour right? Maybe he got dragged away before he could reply, don't over think this" I nod "yeah I guess you're right, no doubt he'll be busy" we eat our pancakes and carry on with the house, I hope he gets back to me soon.

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