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He kneels down and hugs me, of course I hug back, "Andy, why are you here? I though you were in the next town over?" "I was but me and the band want to see what was around so we came here for the food, I ended up going for a walk and I saw what was going on and I couldn't help but stop it, I had no clue it was you, still I looked at your phone and saw my messages to you" He then quickly lifts a hand to my face and looks over me "are you okay? Your not hurt?" I chuckle "Andy really I'm okay, thank you" I hug him and he hugs back, he kindly walks to my house with me and, "this is my place" I walk to the door, "do you want to come in" He smiles "sure why not I'm freezing and the guys are probably piss faced" I smile and open the door inviting him in, suddenly Matt is hugging me "Holy shit you scared me! Where have you been! Do you know what time it is! You said you went for a walk!" I laugh and move so he can see Andy, his face goes pale and then he looks at me then back at Andy "are you really... Andy?" Andy nods confirming his identity "yep really me" Matt flips his shit in that split second "Holy shit! What! (Y/n) I know you were talking to him but you actually KNOW HIM?" I laugh "it was a lucky chance we meet-up" Matt then looks at me "wait you two weren't yah know" I blush "what! No! Matt shut up, I was just... I just got into a bit of trouble and Andy helped" Matts face goes serious "trouble? (Y/n)-" "Matt it's fine I swear" Andy closes the door behind us as we walk in and puts a hand on Matts shoulder in comfort, they are about the same hight, "(y/n) was attacked but she's okay, nothing was taken and she wasn't hurt" Matt seems relieved "oh thank god I don't know what I would do if something happened, probably go John wick style" we go in and have some coffee to relax, "So Andy whats your plans" he looks at the time "I'm way to fucking lazy to walk back to the bus at this hour, I'll text the boys, mind if I stay here?" "Of course" both me and Matt say in sync "thanks, I'll take the couch" Matt puts a hand up "No no please your a guest you can take my room for the night" Andy shakes his head "Matt it's your place, I'll take the couch" they both keep going back and fourth, "Andy can stay in my room with me" Matt looks at me "hmmm I don't know, brother mode activated over here" Andy laughs "if your okay with that, but I think I need Matts approval first, maybe even sign a contact before hand" He laughs "Ah fine go head but I don't want you to getting up to anything" we laugh, me and Andy make our way to my room, I open the door and Andy looks around "hm not what I expected to be fair" I look at him with a brow raised "really? What did you expect" he still looks around "well you know like I knew you wouldn't have any pink but it's cool, very punk, you know you meet those odd kinda people who listen to only pick and rock but own only pink stuff" he looks at me and laughs I laugh understanding what he means, Matt swings the door open almost with caution invade something was going on "hey Andy got you some Pjs for night, enjoy, keep the door open 3 inches!" Matt throws him a t shirt and some baggy bottoms, he thanks Matt. "Im going to get changed, you change in here I'm going to the bathroom" I walk out with my pjs and get ready for bed after I use the bathroom Andy follows suit, I'm sat on my bed and Andy enters, he sits next to me making the bed tilt more towards him making me get closer him "you wanna watch something" I ask, he nods, we pick a movie and turn off the light and get cozy wrapped in a blanket, half way through I lay my head on his shoulder, I was questioning if I should but he wrapped a arm around me and hugged me tight, soon I started to fall asleep, "Hey... I think you should lay down now" I just mumble in response he lays down and I just lay done and cuddle into his chest I could hear his heart race, I feel asleep very fast but I could feel his arms wrap around me as we both fell asleep.

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