Chapter Two

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Annabeth and Alexandria came up to my room talking about going to a Chinese place nearby. I shrugged and joined them. As I was walking I noticed another girl falling in step beside us.

"You ready Mandi?" Annabeth asked her. She nodded; while Alexandria rolled her eyes at her.

"Girls." I mumbled to myself.

I followed them and they stopped at another room, I'm assuming Percy's. Grover opened the door and the boys and came out.

"I'm Mandi." The blonde girl said.

"I heard." I replied monotonously.

I looked down letting my hair fall in my face as I stared at my feet.  It was about a ten minute walk, and that Mandi girl kept trying to talk to me and I would give a rude side remark. Then Alexandria would laugh and get glared at by the blonde. But not long after she'd come and talk to me again.

"Will you just shut up!" The blonde spat at her.

"You really aren't worth my time." Alexandria scoffed. Everyone else in our little "group" knew why she'd said that, except for Mandi.

"Oh. You saying that it's just hilarious really." She laughed lightly.

Alexandria stopped walking and turned around. Nico knew there was no way that this could end well if nobody stepped in.

"Really?" Why is that?" Alexandria asked her.

"Because I didn't know trash could have an opinion." She spat.

Nico could tell by the way Alexandria clenched her fist that she was past her breaking point. So when Alexandria walked up to her and got in her face, reaching Mandi's height and went to say something. Nico wasn't surprised, he just took Mandi's hand and pulled her forward and away from Alexandria. Mandi didn't say anything and let him lead her to the restaurant and away from the fuming blonde.

Nico spotted the restaurant up ahead and told Mandi to go get a table for all of them, trying to catch a break from her. He could already guess who she was a daughter of...

"How was it walking with the she-devil,"Alexandria scoffed.

"Alex!" Annabeth scolded. Alexandria rolled her eyes before walking into the restaurant. Percy, followed by Annabeth went in after her and Grover behind them; Nico stayed behind enjoying the time away from that girl.

When he finally went back inside Alexandria was sitting next to Mandi trying to scoot as far away as possible from the so called 'she-devil'
"Your back," Mandi said.
"I was gone for six minutes." He retorted.
"She's just such a blonde." Alexandria sighed.
"Your a blonde," Percy pointed out.
Alexandria shot Percy a death glare before getting up to do something. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Alexandria joking with each other while they ate and  Mandi attempting to hold a conversation with Nico.
"Ow!" Alexandria said from the other side of table "Mandi, that's the third time you've dug your heel into my foot!"
"Oops," Mandi said with a incredible amount of fake sympathy.
"That's it's. I'm going back to the school."she sighed.
Nico stood from his spot in the booth and squeezed his way out. As Alexandria went out the door, so did he.
"Umm, what are you doing?" Alexandria asked.
She watched him as she waited semi-patiently for an answer.
"What's it look like." He snapped at her.
"What's your deal!?" She phrased it like a question, but it sounded like a demand.
Nico rolled his eyes, but nonetheless answered her questioned, in a calmer, softer voice.
"I've got problems that you wouldn't understand," He spoke quieter.
"Oh, really and who told you that?" She asked and when he couldn't find a suitable answer she continued,"What makes you think that I wouldn't understand?"
"I know you wouldn't, nobody would," Nico muttered.
Shoving his hands into his pockets and watching his feet as he walked, away from her irrated form.
You could hear that she was getting irritated, "You're not the only person with problems, Nico."
Her footsteps got louder and then faded away as she caught up to him and proceeded to walked ahead of him. When Nico decided to look up he couldn't see her figure anymore.

"What could be so wrong with her?
Why did I snap at her?"

He walked into the school and went up to his room to grab some stuff. Nico walked back out the school's main entrance, passing by Percy and Grover.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Percy asked cautiously, catching my arm when he walk past them.
"Let me go," Nico's voice was cold, low, and menacing as he growled a repose out.
He really didn't want to deal with all of his problems twice in one night.
"Nico?" He asked.
"I said let go," a low growling sound emitted from me as he tried to snatch his arm away.
"Nico, I just want to help," he said sympathetically.
"You want to help?" Nico's voice oozing with anger, annoyance, and stress fuelled anger,"Next time you want to help, don't!" I said, my voice rising on the last part.
His hand fell from my arm, and I continued down the sidewalk my hands shoved deep into my pockets. I saw Alexandria walking out of the door, she'd obviously been somewhere because she got here before me, Annabeth behind her and Annabeth tried to lay an hand on her shoulder while Alexandria violently shrugged it off. "Lex!" Annabeth called only to see she was gone. "Nico? Do you know what's wrong with her?" She asked.

"No," I said, then she took a closer look at me and saw something wasn't right. I shrugged her off and walked past Annabeth who still stood outside on the sidewalk.

"Thought you'd go cry to Percy." I said. Lightning flashed across the sky three times before thunder billowed and shook the enitre building. She stopped leaning on the wall and shot me a look before walking off in the opposite of the school. She twirled something between her fingers. I didn't figure out what it was until it caught the light and shimmered - a gold drachma. I heard the thunder clap again, but I continued to walk anyway. The rain poured down soaking me, but I had to get as far away from him as possible.

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