Chapter Four

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I walked into some one at the demigod coffee shop. I looked up ready to chew them out.

"Watch where going." Was all I said looking up and seeing Nico. Mostly because I didn't want to talk to him. I got my favorite coffee and gave the cashier two drachmas. Then walked out of the shop. Nico fell into step beside me with his cup.

"Do you not understand that I don't want to talk to you, don't like you, and definitely don't want to walk a twenty minute walk with you." I spat taking longer strides.

It's been raining so long I didn't even notice it, until I had to move the wet hair out of my face.

"I'm sorry about snapping at you and that remark earlier its something that I can't tell you and it's been sttessibg me out." He apologized running his free hand through his hair.

"Ok, yeah. I guess I could understand that," I said.

Neither of us move to speed up or slow down to lose the other. I willed it to rain harder. Yes it's cliche, but I feel at peace in the rain, tranquil. We walked back up to the school and I checked my watch. 5:45 AM Mandi was probably in the room. I groaned and sat down on the sidewalk.

"What?" Nico questioned looking at my state.

"Mandi's in the room," I sighed my eyes fixated on a puddle where the raindrops splashed creating wripples.

"I've got a room to myself," he started,"if you want."

I looked up at him and squinted my eyes, trying to decide if he was serious or not. "Thanks." I said as he stuck a hand out to help me up. We went by my room so I ould get some clothes. Then up to Nico's room, he had taken the bed in the corner so I went and changed in the bathroom. Taking a towel and trying to dry my hair. I climbed up to the top bunk and laid down going to sleep. I woke up to Nico shaking me.

"Wake up." He said. On reflex I electrified me skin, causing lightning through me ino him. I stopped and helped him off the floor. I noticed he was dressed.

"Why am I up so early?" I questioned.

"Because we need to start looking for those demigods." He said.

Sighing I got up brushed my teeth and all of that getting dressed in my other clothes. Nico shook his hair out like a dog,

"You need a hair cut." I told him.

"Well Bianca used I cut it." he said.

"I'll cut it, cause you look like a dog." I said.

Noting that his hair fell down to almost past his eyes and in the back it reached his shoulders.

"Okay, but just a little of the front and back."he warned.

I grabbed a pair of scissors from the bathroom. I cut the back, so the it came down to the middle of his neck and the front came just past his eyebrows, so it still somewhat hung in his eyes.

"Close your eyes," I said.

He followed the instructions and I lead him to the bathroom. Standing him infront of the mirror I told him.

"Okay open them."

"Wow it actually looks good."

"What did you think I didn't know what I was doing?" Took the towel and continued to dry his hair, completely messing it up.

"Seriously!" I said taking a comb and following him. I quickly combed it back out and sat the comb down. It naturally swooped left so I swooped it right. He was about to close the door, when I ran back and grabbed my jacket that was still laid down across so towels, in his room. I ran and slid out the door. We walked down the hall, towards Percy's room.

"Grover! Percy! Annie!" I said knocking.

Percy opened the door and stepped aside when he saw Nico was behind me. I walked in and sat on Percy's bed. When Annabeth woke up she pushed me out the bed.

"Nico what happened to your hair?" Annebeth asked casually stretching,"looks good."

"That is the work of moi," I said brushing dirt off my pants.

"C'mon Annie, you've gotta get dressed," I said.

I walked over to Percy's bunk and looked for my iPod. I found it and checked the time, 7:45 a.m. I pulled her out the door.

"See you guys later." I said.

Closing the door.

"Okay me and Nico we're going down to get breakfast," Annabeth eyed me.


"You and Nico... are just best friends now or what?" She asked still looking at me weird.

"No it's breakfast and its because we ned to try to find these demigods, before monsters show," I explained.

"Ok. Yeah that's a good point. Because with us here and four other half-bloods, it's just a matter of time." She agreed.

We walked towards the room, I picked out something for her to wear. A white daisy top, with white skinny jeans, and tanish sandals, with a tanish leather jacket.

"We should go get the boys," Annebeth said.

"I guess." I added.

Knowing no matter what I said we were going to go get the boys.

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