Chapter Thirteen

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"Finally done!" I cheered.

"That took like two days." Annie said in disblief.

"Hey you guys done?"Jason asked coming in.

"Yeah," Annabeth replied.

"Good head down to the beach with me and Percy." He said.

"Yeah sure," I agreed.

"Cameron you wanna come?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah thanks." He said.

"You can wear these," Jason said.

He tossed him a pair of swim trunks. Annabeth left to go get ready, she'd meet us down there. I grabbed a bathing suit and I grabbed a dark blue shoulder bag, packing it. It consisted of a towel, my iPod and earbuds, and Oreos. I walked to the Athena cabin with Cameron.

"Annabeth are you ready?" I asked.

Leaning against the cabin wall. Annabeth walked out with knee-length shorts and a plain t-shirt to cover her bathing suit. I had wore a tank top with a quote from one of my favorite books on it, it read My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations, and a pair of shorts that came to mid-thigh and black Vans. The lake came into view and Leo, Jason, Percy, and Piper were already there. I laid my bag down and removed my tank top and shorts. I kicked off my Vans, revealing my navy blue striped bikini. Percy splashed me normally I wouldn't care, but I wasn't in the water yet. So when the air hit me, I started shivering. Then my teeth started shattering.

"Percy you're going to die!" I said jumping into the water.

"We looked all over camp for you guys!" Frank's voice said.

"Hazel!" I yelled and swam to the shore.

I got up and hugged her.

"Hello to you to Alex," Frank said nudging me.

"Hi Frank, but Hazel!" I said.

I grabbed my shorts and shook my hair out.

"I'll be back," I said.

"Where you going?" Percy asked.

"Get more towels." I told him putting on my shoes.

"Hey grabbed my swimsuit out if my suitcase will ya?" Hazel called.

I nodded. I walked into the Big House and towards the closet. I grabbed a few more towels, and the went to Hazel's cabin. I just pushed the door open, walking towards her bunk. The suitcase was pushed under the bunks.

"What are you doing?" Nico asked from the doorway.

"Getting Hazel swimsuit, anything else?" I questioned him.

"Wait! Hazel's here?" He questioned.

"No," I said sarcasm lacing my words.

"Of course she here," I spat.

I continued looking through the suitcase.

"I'm going to be nice, Nico would you like to join us at the lake? I asked fake politeness heavy in my words.

"Sure as long as Drews not there." He said.

Going to change into swim trunks.

"Hazel's one of those people that are too neat," I said to myself.

"Do you always talk to yourself like that?" Nico asked.

I would've said something back, but I still had to find that stupid swimsuit.

"Here's a purple one," he said.

He held up a plain purple bikini. I let my body collapse on the bunk.

"Ugg. Just c'mon," I told him.

I took the bikini from him and started walking back towards the lake.

"So who's there?" He asked.

"Frank, Hazel, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, Percy, and Cameron last time I was there." I informed him.

"And apparently Thalia," he said pointing at her as she jumped into the lake.

"Just great, I'll be at my cabin, do me a favor and tell Perc-" I was cut off.

"Al! Hurry up or are you forfeiting." Percy mocked.

"In your wildest dreams!" I laughed an sat the towels by the girls who were sitting on the sand in the shade of Percy's cabin. That had moved my bag and stuff over there with them. I handed Hazel her swimsuit and she went in Percy's bathroom to change. So I kicked my shoes off and removed my shorts. I jumped back in the water.

"One, Two, Three!" Jason counted.

Me, Percy, and Cameron submerged ourselves underwater. We were seeing who could hold their breath the longest. I swam around, checking on the boys to make sure they weren't cheating. Because they could breathe underwater. I went to check on them, but I couldn't find them. I saw Cameron, then he swam away. I turned around and Percy was swimming at me. I was too shock to react, so he wrapped his arms around me. The force knocking the breath out of me. I swam to the surface, making a wheezing sound. That was a mix between laughter and gasping for oxygen.

"You cheated!" I attempted to say.

But it actually came out like this, "You *wheeze* cheated *wheeze*!".

The two started laughing as they had surfaced shortly after me.

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