Chapter Fourteen

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I swam up to surface after Al surface. She was making a wheezing sound, but the expression on her face told you she was trying to laugh.

"Annie *wheeze* come *wheeze* in *wheeze*." Al attempted.

"I got this," I assured her.

I manuiplated the water and it began to snake onto the sand. It wrapped around Annabeth's ankle, pulling her towards the water.

"Percy! Stop." She demanded.

I jerked my arm to my side and the water raced back into the lake; bringing Annabeth along.

"Have you caught your breath yet?" Cameron questioned.

"Yeah." She answered.

"Anybody want to jump off a diving board?" She asked.

"That sounds awesome,"Jason stated,"but to bad we don't have one."

"Says who." She retorted.

She swam to the shore and climbed out of the lake. Somehow managing to climb to the top of my cabin and jump off the roof into the water.
That little monkey...
I waited for her to resurface for about a minute. I ducked underwater, my eyes scanning around. She swam passed me and waved. She's going to give me a heart attack one day. I pulled her back to the surface.

"Don't do that you scared the crap out of me," I scolded her.

"Percy it had been like thirty seconds!" she exclaimed.

"Just don't," I said.

And as if on cue the horn signaling dinner blew. I got out and slipped on on a camp t-shirt not feeling like changing. Al slipped on her shorts and tank top after drying off some, then her shoes. I slipped on my shoes tying them up, I stood up wrapping a towel around my neck.

"Al, what's today?" I asked.

As I aproached her throwing my arm over her shoulder. She grabbed her towel and drying her hair.

"I don't know Percy, what?"she answered.

"Well you should! Co-Captain!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my gods! It's Friday!"she yelled.

"For the last 56 games with the hunters we are finally goning to win one." She said to herself.

"Speaking of which, I know your little plan all the hunters do. They actually said that I'm going after the flag." Thalia stated.

Al tensed up and flexed her hands. She held her breath and then released it.

"I'd try to tell you that you're wrong, but then I'd reveal a major part of our plan like you did," Al smirked running a hand through her hair.

"See you later Kelp-Head!" Al called back.

As she was walking towards Annabeth. The two walked towards her cabin. I thought back to the time I told Alex she was a Demi-god.


"Why don't you wanna come back to the camp with me?" I questioned her. We were sitting inside a pitch black cave. I couldn't even see her face the only way I even knew she was still here was she answered.
"Because it's your thing Percy, not mine. And there your friends." She sighed," and I'm a daughter of Zeus... Another reason to be outsider."
"No. You have another brother there. Jason. He's a son of Zeus, Jupiter if you wanna get technical." I tried.
"I heard. One of the Seven Saviours of Olympus. See Percy you fit in there. That's where you belong. I don't, but I'm fine on my own." She decided.
"Yeah as much as I would love to see you being happy doing whatever it is you want to do out need traing. And your father conducted a quest to come find you. He picked me and I pick Jason and Leo. You'll love 'em. Especially Leo he's about the same maturity level you are." I tried.
"There's no way I'm getting out of this, am I?" She questioned.
"Then why are we sitting in a dark cave?" She asked and started a fire.
I looked around and observed it, I realized she really could survive on her own. She made a little home in the cave that was portable in case she had to pack up suddenly. She was the little girl that we found in the park eight years ago.

Annabeth and Al came in laughing sometimes you forget that Al is two years younger than me. But she fits in with us I guess it's because all the stuff she's seen and done. Annabeth sat next to me, Al next to her. Nico across from Al, Jason Across from Annabeth, and Piper across from me. Leo sat next to me, Hazel and Frank across from him. Thalia was sitting next to Nico. The two talking, but Nico never looking up.

"Thalia!" one of the Hunters said walking up to us.

We all quieted, staring at the scene before us.

"Come on Thalia, we need to discuss," she said.

Thalia nodded and got up following the girl over to where all the hunters were. Cameron plopped down next to Alex.

"So the new plan?" I asked.

"Cameron, Clarrisse and the Apollo and Ares cabin members will form a large party that'll go into the Hunters territory. Then a smaller party consisting of the three Athena members and two Apollo members, plus you and Annabeth will lead a smaller party around the back towards the flag." Alex explained.

"The rest of the my cabin also the Hermes cabin plus Hazel, Frank, and Jason will be on boarder patrol. While Lex and Nico will guard the flag." Annabeth finished.

"No!" Al snapped her head up.

"No way, I refuse." Nico agreed

"You don't have a choice. It's only this game," Annabeth reasoned.

"Whatever," Al retorted.

After dinner Chiron stood.

"Attention Campers -Hunters," Chiron began.

"Tonight we will be continuing our tradition of Capture the Flag. The cabins partisapating will be Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Apollo, Athena, Hades, and the Hermes cabin. They will be competing in a friendly competition with The Hunters of Artemis. Ready yourselves!" He finished dismissing us.

We all went to go get our armor, me being the genius I am keep my armor in my cabin. Which meant no long lines waiting at the forgery to get a set of armor. I walked toward Al, Jason, Annabeth, Nico, Cameron, and Clarrise.

"Jason, Frank, and Hazel you guys will be head of boarder patrol. Either keep them from crossing the creek, take them to jail, or immobilize them." Annabeth said. The rest of our team had arrived, not long before the hunters.

"Fifteen minutes to discuss your strategy and hide you flag," Chiron announced.

We explained the plan to the team and then sent Nico and Al off. We were hiding it by Bunker Nine at the very edge of the South side of the woods. We got into positions and the conch horn blew signaling the start of the game.

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