Chapter Twelve

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Ali had been under the arena the entire day, training. Her anger fueled her to unimaginable levels. And she had a lot of pint up anger, anger at Dad, anger at Thalia, and at the people who treated her like an outcast. Hard to believe right? But because she was a daughter of Zeus blessed by Hermes, meant she was powerful with a temper, so people avoid her. She never let it get to her too much, but it did and one day it be too much and well....... Chiron needed to speak with her, something about a new camper. I walked down the stairs that lead under the arena.

"Ali I know your inhere," I called.

"What Jason?"she asked walking up to me.

"New camper, Chiron wants you to show him around." I told her.

She grabbed my arm and ran out of the arena to the Big House.

"I'm getting faster," she said catching her breathe.
"Never again," I said leaning against the wall.

Gods why was this girl so fast.

"Hush," she said.

She walked into the Big House. When I could walk straight I went to Nico's cabin. I need to talk to him, every time I try to talk to him about him blowing up at Percy he changes the subject. I knocked on the door and something hit the floor.

"What," he said opening the door.

"Why'd you blow up at Percy?" I asked.

He moved out of the doorway, making space for me to come in.

"Because, Jason I couldn't take, because I'm so ready for this to be over," he said laying across his bed hanging off the other side.

"Were you the thing that hit the floor?" I asked.

No Response.

"Were you planning to just avoid Percy the rest of your life?"I questioned him.

He grabbed the closest thing to him, which happen to be a shoe, and threw it at me.

"Oh gods I have no aim," he groaned in annoyance.

"But seriously Nico just think about okay? Because I know you've been putting it off," I said.

Getting off the bunk I had been sitting on. I walked to the door.

"He's really only trying to help. " I said.

"You're not helping Jason," He said after me.

"Okay?"I asked again.

"Okay," he replied stubbornly.

I was walking to my cabin, when Ali ran up to me with the new camper.

"Hey Jason this is Cameron, Cameron my half-brother Jason," she introduced us. We were around the same age, I'm guessing.

"He's a son of Poseidon," she said a smile present on her face, but she had a look in her eyes.

It quickly vanished.

"That's cool, I'm a son of Jupiter, Zeus' Roman side," I said.

"Jason could you get Percy and meet us in the arena?" She asked.

I told her we'd meet her there, and went to go get Percy. I know Ali hasn't seen much of him, because he was trying to keep his distance from Nico, her and Annebeth were strategizing or working on the Winter Solstic Ball, and then if she wasn't there she had herself locked up in the room under the arena. I got to the Poseidon cabin and knocked on the door.

"Hey Percy! Open Up! We gotta me Ali at the arena to help train your new half-brother." I said.

Knocking repeatedly on the cabin door. He opened the door, putting on his shoe.

"You ready?" I asked him.

He nodded and we took off running to the arena. "Hey guys, we're just gonna pick him out a weapon, be right back," she said.

I flipped my coin and my sword, and Percy uncapped Riptide. They walked back, and she tapped the middle stone in her braclet. And her sword, Razor or Ξυράφι, it was a three feet long Celestial Bronze on one side, Interial Gold on the other. She's always had it. "Okay so first you'll fight Percy, so he can also explain somethings to you," Ali said.

She traced her finger over the stone that was now in the hilt of her sword and and it went back into the braclet. She did the same, but with the black stones on the sides. She held two daggers one Stygian Iron and the other Celestal Bronze.

"Ready Jason?" She asked.

I nodded. She attacked first and scratched my arm. I cut her cheek and arm. We fought for awhile, paring and blocking. She kicked my sword out of my hand, and place the daggers at my neck. Percy and Cameron were still fighting,

"I get winner," Ali called.

Percy had Cameron's sword, and pointed it at his throat. He handed him his sword back and helped him up.

"Dude that was awesome, you've got potential," Percy said to him,"now Al you and me."

The two fought for entirety before Percy had disarmed her. She put hands on Percy's sword, Percy dropped it in shock. She put it at the back of his neck, and hers and the front of his neck.

"No fair you cheated," he said.

"Alls fair in love and war," she stated a proud smirk on her face.

As we walked back to the cabins.

"Well Cameron, we playing capture the flag every Friday, and it's really fun,"Ali explained.

"So I've got two days to learn to fight so I don't die?" He asked.

"No they have a rule against maiming," I said.

"Bye guys, I'm late meeting Annie she's gonna kill me," Ali said.

"Well I guess it's just us," I said.

"Um Chiron said to stay with Alex," Cameron said,"something about a girl named Clarisse."

Me and Percy both got it, Clarisse had a reputation for targeting new campers. And the only person she didn't mess with was Ali. But honestly Clarisse is mean not dumb.

"Well you better go catch her," Percy said.

"Just you and me Perc," I said.

"Well what do you wanna do?" I asked, his gaze landed on the lake.

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