Episode 1: Heavy Burdens

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"Protect my city.... protect my city... protect my city" said the voice of Daredevil in Peter's dream again and again... then Midland Circle collasped with Daredevil still inside.
"No... why can't I ever stop it?" Spider-Man asked in the dream.
"NO" Spider-Man yelled before Peter woke up. His heart was beating faster. Peter checked the time... it was 2 am.
"Uncle Ben... Matt.... I'm so sorry" Peter said as if they were close enough to listen to him.

*Theoretical intro plays*

Peter Parker was at school, taking notes in science class... or at least he was trying to take notes. Peter's mind was not focused on what was being taught, far from it, Peter's mind continued to think back on what happened to Matt Murdock... then those recent bombings that people say were either caused or stopped by Frank Castle, who it seems has been declared deceased again. Peter sighed.
"Peter... Peter, you with us?" asked Peter's science teacher. Peter snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the teacher. 
"Yes ma'am." Peter answered quickly. Peter sighed. Just a little bit ago he was excited to be Spider-Man, he still was... but he understood there was a certain amount of danger to being the web slinger. If the Avengers, Jessica, Luke, or Danny asked him for help would be take part? Heck yeah he would, but now'd he approach things a bit differently. Now his eyes was opened twice when it came to being Spider-Man, the first time when Adrian Toomes, known to the public by the press nickname The Vulture, dropped a building on him and he realized he had to be strong with or without the high tech suit Tony had given him in order to truly be Spider-Man, and the second time when Daredevil had made the ultimate sacrifice to save their city from the remaining members of the Hand. Being Spider-Man has a real impact on the people of New York. Ever since Daredevil's death, he had to pick up a lot of the heat and make sure people stay safe in Hell's Kitchen, and being a rookie... that wasn't always easy.

"Dude... this suit looks awesome man!" said a teenage male. He had black hair, brown eyes, wore a black shirt, blue jeans, and white and blue shoes. His friend smiled.
"Yup bro, with this... I'll be able to take anything I want from anyone I want. And with the stuff I take, we keep what we like and sell the rest, we'll make a bunch of money bro" said his friend, who had brown hair, a lighter shade of brown eyes, he wore all black from the shirt down to his shoes.
"Nice man. So, what are you going to call yourself?" asked the first guy. The second guy, the one who made the suit smiled.
"From now on I, Lewis Wyler will be known as Turbo Jet" the second guy, or Lewis, replied.

"Peter!" said Betty Brant, who was a friend of Peter's former crush Liz Toomes, who moved after her father Adrian, better known as the Vulture, was caught by Spider-Man stealing technology from the Avengers. Peter snapped out of his thoughts.
"Oh hey Betty" Peter said in surprise, since Betty Brant wasn't one to talk with him, high school popularity and all.
"Peter, Ms. Xiao paired us in partners to do a presentation on one of the books we have read in class and she assigned me with you" Betty explained. Peter nodded.
"O-oh ok. That's cool I guess. So what book do you want to do?" asked Peter politely.

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