Episode 2: Hounded by the media!

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*Theoretical intro plays*

Peter's voiceover: One time Mr. Stark told me that if someone dies while I am Spider-Man, then it's on me... I should have been able to stop Turbo Jet from killing that kid... but I couldn't.

"Look kid, you can't stop everything. You saved more lives by stopping Turbo Jet, does it suck that the kid died, yes it does. But that wasn't completely on you, you saved lives" Tony told him. He had seen the news on the incident and had decided to call him.
"I know. It's just... if it were you... you'd probably have been able to save them" Peter responded. Tony sighed.
"Maybe, maybe not. We'll never know that." Tony replied. Peter heard a knock on his door.
"I gotta go Mr. Stark, I got a classmate over due to doing a project" Peter said.
"Take care of yourself Peter. We'll talk again... and kid... don't be too hard on yourself" Tony replied and hung up. Peter put his phone down and walked to the door.
"Hey Betty. Ned, what are you and Michelle doing here?" Peter asked, he knew Betty was their due to their joint presentation on Lord of the Flies, but he had no idea what Ned and Michelle would be doing.
"Did you forget Peter, the 4 of us were grouped in a research paper on the cells for biology class" Ned responded. Peter nodded, he had forgotten about that (it happened before Episode 1). His mind hasn't been in high school since the incident at Midland Circle (back in Spider-Man: The Defenders, which this is a sequel to).
"Yeah, more work for us" Betty said sarcastically.
"Yeah. Hey Aunt May, I'll be at the library to work on homework" Peter said after turning around and speaking in the direction of May's room.
"Ok. Stay safe Peter" May called back.

Kateri Deseronto had remembered what happened after Spider-Man left... after nearly beating Turbo Jet to death. She had wished he'd have finished the job. She remembered how the ambulence and the police came.
"I'm sorry ma'am. It is impossible to save him" the doctor had told her when they got to the hospital. The government had failed her kid, super heroes had failed her kid. She wanted revenge... she felt like she needed it.
"Kateri, are you ok?" said a voice that snapped Kateri out of her thoughts. It was her boss, Doctor Otto Octavius.
"Otto, I'm sorry. I zoned out. It's just that...." Kateri started to explain before Otto put his hand up.
"I understand, no need to explain. I lost family too. Never a child, I never had children so I can't say I understand to a full extent, but I lost someone who shined life in my life too, my mother" Otto explained. Kateri nodded, glad to have a good man as a friend and boss.
"I know it's a bad time to bring this all up, but I'll help pay for the funeral. Lessen the financial burden. I know it means nothing compared to the emotional burden, but I want to help with something" Otto said. Kateri nodded.
"Yes. Thank you Otto" Kateri replied.

Peter, Ned, Michelle, and Betty walked inside the library and got a table together.
"So, since more people are involved with paper on cells, I think we should work on that one first" Peter suggested.
"Yeah, it's also due before the English presentations are" Michelle pointed out in agreement.

Kateri was getting lots of calls on her phone. She didn't know how so many media talk show host got her number, but apparently the incident between Spider-Man and Turbo Jet was trending news. J Jonah Jameson from the Bugle was especially wanting to interview her to strengthen his smear campaign on the wall craweler, whom he blamed for the collaspe of the Midland Circle building and the destruction of the ferry. Kateri sighed. She was a woman in grief, and these people won't let het grieve at all!
"Wasn't the Sokovia Accords written to prevent this kind of thing?" asked a reporter on tv.
"The Sokovia Accords only really restrict Avenger involvement unless the UN approves. The Sokovia Accords do not restrict the actions of American powered vigilanties such as Spider-Man or Daredevil" an expert the reporter was talking to replied.
"Well, that was our discussion on the incident concerning a criminal named Turbo Jet and the masked vigilante Spider-Man, what are your thoughts? Be sure to tell us on..." the reporter was about to tell viewers which social media platforms to get involved in the conversation, but Kateri didn't want to hear anymore. She had enough. She had enough of being reminded every 5 seconds that Joey was dead, she had enough of people talking about Spider-Man. Spider-Man... she started to hate that name.... she started to hate his very existence.

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