Episode 8: The longest night

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"With great power there must also come great responsibility." said the voice of Uncle Ben as Peter Parker slept, the quote echoed in his dreams.
"I think with a little more mentoring, you could be a real asset to the team." Tony Stark's voice echoed as well.
"Protect my city." finally came the voice of Daredevil, Matt Murdock. Peter suddenly jumped out of his bed as he woke up to the sound of sirens and gunfire. Peter sighed as he grabbed his Spider-Man outfit.
"Karen... tell me what's the situation. I have work to do." Spider-Man said before he opened his window to exit his apartment.

*Theoretical intro plays*

Karen Page voiceover: What is a hero? I used to ask myself that question many times. Now I think I understand what a hero is.... a hero is someone who stands up for the weak and defenseless... he or she does everything they can to make their community a better place, but not in a way that steps on the rights of others. Not like Wilson Fisk... or like Lonnie Lincoln, whose employees have been harrassing people who won't leave their homes that Lincoln Corp wants to tear down... in a way, people just trying to stand up and be brave like my dear friend, Elena Cardenas.

A knock was heard on her door.
"Come in." Karen said. In walked Ellison, her boss.
"Hey, what's up?" Karen asked. Ellison sighed.
"Sable... They've been making life in this city a pain in the ass." Ellison replied. Karen sighed as she nodded.
"Why are you here so late?" Karen asked Ellison.
"I'm here because theres something that's been bothering me... why is the city sitting back and allowing Lincoln and Osborn to have so much power within it.... why is Sable allowed to infringe on Constitutional rights? What is really going on behind the scenes?" Ellison asked. Karen sighed.
"Isn't that why you have me on the Sable story?" Karen asked. Ellison nodded.
"That's exactly why you're on the story... but I feel like I want to help out with this one. I was once a reporter too... and this city feels like a hell hole right now. We'll need all the help we can get. Recently, a Sable agent shot a civilian woman, one May Parker." Ellison said. Karen gasped.
"Oh my God... I'll go see if May is ok now? Where is she?" Karen asked.
"She's been released to her own home now I believe." Ellison said. Karen nodded and ran out to go to the Parker apartment.

As Spider-Man swung through the city Karen (his suit AI) informed him that there was a hostage situation, and Sable was escalating the problem by attacking the gang first without even attempting to free the hostages. Spider-Man arrived at the scene, he shot a web grenade that exploded on both criminals and Sable agents alike.
"ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY? HOSTAGES COULD HAVE BEEN SHOT!" Spider-Man yelled. Silver Sable growled in annoyance.
'Lonnie told me this might happen.' Sable thought as she shot down a criminal.
"Spider-Man, you are interfering in Sable International business. Leave now!" Sable demanded.
"And let your craziness probably cause one of the hostages to get hit... no." Spider-Man replied. Spider-Man webbed a criminal to a wall, before dodging a punch from another criminal.
"We have everything under control!" Sable replied. Spider-Man shook his head.
"What part of almost gunning down citizens is considered 'under control'?" Spider-Man asked as he shot another web grenade at a charging thug, which webbed the guy into a wall.
"What part of this is Sable International business don't you understand?" Sable responded. Spider-Man shot splinter webs, ensnaring 2 more criminals. Spider-Man then saw a Sable agent turn to a criminal who decided to use a hostage as a meat shield. The Sable agent smirked and fired.
"NO!" Spider-Man yelled as he ran. Karen, Peter's AI, quickly showed him a screen full of web options... there was one Peter hadn't tried yet... actually there was several (according to the MCU wikia), but one that would be useful in this situation... Shield Web. Spider-Man activated Shield Web and he shot the web from his web shooter and rounded, web shield appeared in Spider-Man's hand. Spider-Man ran quickly, successfully shielding the hostage from harm.
"SPIDER-MAN! I'LL HAVE YOU ARRESTED FOR OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!" threatened the Sable agent who had fired the shot.
"SAYS THE GUY WHO WAS ENDANGERING THE LIFE OF A CIVILIAN!" Spider-Man yelled back. Spider-Man then punched the criminal who was holding the civilian hostage. Finally the battle was over, no one was killed.
"Spider-Man, we had everything under control." Silver Sable said.
"You really find almost killing the people you were hired to protect, 'under control'?" Spider-Man asked. Sable growled. She did NOT like being talked down to.

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