Episode 7: Before the storm

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Peter ran to his Aunt May when she clenched her arm in pain.
"Freeze or I shoot to kill" the mercenary said. Peter glared at the man and walked towards him.
"I said freeze!" the merc warned. Peter grabbed the merc's gun and twisted his wrist, disarming him like Colleen had taught him before kicking the merc's chest. Peter then punched the man, multiple times. When Danny, Colleen, and Misty saw Peter's face... they knew they had to stop him.
"Peter, Peter snap out of it! He's down! PETER!" Colleen yelled as Peter continued to wail on the knocked out merc... the merc's blood started flying out of the man before Danny pulled him away.
"Peter... it's us. Calm down... it's us." Danny said. Peter breathed and calmed down and ran to his aunt.
"Someone call an ambulence... call an ambulence!" Peter pleaded. Colleen picked up her phone and called 911... this was going to be a long night.
*Theoretical intro*

As Danny, Colleen, and Misty waited with Peter outside May's hospital room... Colleen was lost in thought. She was tired of this... of the fighting... of going to sleep every night and reliving the nightmare of Misty losing her arm and cutting Bakuto's head off. Now she saw Peter's aunt get shot... but there's no doubt she'd survive... she'd be ok.
"Just one last fight... then I'm putting down my katana... and I'm closing the dojo." Colleen whispered to herself.

Peter was relieved when he was finally aloud to see his aunt. Peter walked in the hospital room.
"Aunt May." Peter said in relief. May smiled at her nephew.
"Hey tough guy. Are you ok? There are lots of guys with guns roaming the streets lately." May informed Peter. Peter nodded.
"Mercenaries hired by Lonnie Thompson Lincoln and Norman Osborn." Peter explained. May sighed.
"There's always something is there?" May asked. Peter chuckled.
"It seems like it." Peter replied. May sighed.
"There still hasn't been an annoucement for a cerfew" May informed Peter.
"That's because Silver Sable never put up a cerfew, the bastard just really wanted to shoot something." said another voice. It was the voice of Police Captain George Stacy.
"Captain Stacy, what are you doing here?" Peter asked curiously. George sighed.
"When I heard May got shot I rushed right over. You know we've been friends for a long time, your aunt and I" George explained. Peter nodded. George and May were friends, almost family since they were in high school together.
"Hey George." May greeted.
"Hey May." George greeted his old friend. As George and May started talking, Peter left the room after he and May nodded at each other. There was work to be done.

"Ok... what the hell is going on?" Misty asked as she, Danny, Colleen, and of course Peter left the hospital.
"Misty, last time I came for you for advice, I was still fighting Coldheart, you remember?" Peter asked. Misty nodded.
"Yeah, I remember." Misty replied.
"Well, after that, I looked into Lewis Wyler... that dude did not have the funds to make his Turbo Jet suit. Especially if it looks like something from that recent Tron movie that flopped." Peter continued.
"So then how did he get the suit?" Colleen asked.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out... but honestly... I have no idea. I think it was given to him though." Peter explained.
"By who?" Danny asked.
"That's what I want to find out." Peter answered as he walked away.
"Where you are going?" Misty asked.
"I'm going to pay Lewis Wyler a visit in jail" Peter explained. Misty shook her head.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Peter." Misty said.
"What other play do we have?" Peter asked. Misty smiled.
"We ask our local know it all rat Luke told me about." Misty replied. Peter smiled.
"Turk again? He's going to hate this." Peter responded with a smirk.
"Danny, Colleen... I'll meet you guys back at Chikara" Peter told them.
"Wait Peter, don't..." Danny started to say but Peter already started to run into an alley, become Spider-Man, and swing away.
"He's sidelined you from this just now... he's trying to protect you." Misty pointed out.
"Yeah well, I don't need protecting." Danny replied. Misty nodded.
"You probably don't... but you know it as well as I do... friends normally always try to protect friends." Misty stated.

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