Episode 6: Sable International take over (updated)

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Otto Octavius walked into the prison as a visiter to his former lab partner, Kateri Deseronto.
"Otto, what are you doing here?" Kateri asked. Otto sighed.
"Are you ok?" Otto asked. Kateri looked at Otto in shock.
"Otto... I tried to KILL you! Why do you still care about me? I don't deserve it." Kateri replied. Otto nodded.
"I agree. You don't deserve it, but I also know that you weren't thinking clearly when you did this whole Coldheart thing. The way I see it, you losing Joey, then ending up here as a result of actions that were not thought out is punishment enough. I won't add a lost friendship to that list of things" Otto explained. Kateri smiled a bit.
"You always did put others above yourself Otto. I'm doing fine... it's just for the first time in a while... I'm scared." Kateri answered.
"Of what?" Otto asked.
"I think... someone has been watching me... someone with lots of power, and I can't do anything about it" Kateri answered.
*Theoretical intro plays*

"Hey Peter. How are you doing?" Betty asked as she sat next to Peter.
"I'm doing fine. I'm ok" Peter replied.
"You certainly look like you've gotten more relaxed. Something good happen?" Betty asked.
"I got some good advice from an old friend. Be still, relax. Work through your problems with a calm, still mind" Peter explained. Ned chuckled as he sat on the other side of Peter.
"Sounds like something out of a fortune cookie" Ned joked. Peter chuckled.
"Well it was Danny" Peter pointed out.
"Oh, that explains a lot. You know I still haven't met him" Ned replied, knowing that Danny was the immortal Iron Fist. And while Ned wasn't sure he fully believed Peter's stories that Danny got his powers from fighting a dragon, he was more inclined to believe it than Jessica Jones or Luke Cage was... after all, anything is possible in a world where Thor exist!
"Betty... you sit here now?" Michelle asked. Betty shrugged.
"I don't see why not." Betty said as she grabbed her chocolate milk from her lunch tray. Michelle shrugged and sat down.
"So, did you hear about the fact that Luke Cage fans made an app? Harlem's Hero." Ned inquired.
"I heard. It must make it hard for Luke to go anywhere in public quietly." Peter replied.
"Such is the life of a man in the spotlight. I am very glad that I am not one of those who gets all of the attention." Michelle added. Ned sighed.
"Still, having the spotlight does sound fun." Ned commented
"Until people get up in your personal business due to not understanding the concept of restraint." Michelle protested.
"And when you're famous, reporters make sure to write about anything you do." Betty added, despite wanting to work in the news herself. Ned sighed, starting to see that maybe being famous wasn't always for the best.

Lonnie Thompson Lincoln was called for a press conference. It was a very crowded meeting.
"People of New York. You all know me as Lonnie Thompson Lincoln... head of Lincoln Corportation. But you all do not seem to know me as Lonnie Thompson Lincoln... citizen of New York City. I called this conference together to discuss what has been happening recently in this city. As you all know, a man named Lewis Wyler created the suit that he'd later use to become Turbo Jet with stolen technology from Lincoln Corp... and soon afterwards a woman named Kateri Deseronto terrorized the city as Coldheart with stolen technology from Oscorp. Because of this, Lincoln Corp and Oscorp has decided to hire Sable International in order to help the police get a handle on these deadly criminals. Kateri Deseronto claimed she wanted to punish those who failed to protect the children of this city... enough is enough. Silver Sable and her mercenaries will help defend us against dangerous individuals who would use technology to threaten our children. They will be our anti crime task force." Lincoln announced.

When Peter was in class, his phone started to buzz in his pocket.
"Ma'am?" Peter called to his teacher.
"What do you need Peter?" his teacher asked.
"May I use the restroom?" Peter asked. The teacher nodded and gave him a hall pass.

When Peter got to the restroom, he saw that his phone caller id said 'Luke'. Peter answered the phone.
"Luke." Peter said.
"I'm not actually Luke, Peter. I'm Claire Temple.... the nurse you met at Midland Circle. Peter... I think you're in serious trouble." Claire told Peter.
"What? How? Kateri Deseronto and Adrian Toomes are still in jail right?" Peter asked.
"Yeah... but.... there's this business man.... Lonnie Thompson Lincoln, he called a press conference today about the recent events concerning the Turbo Jet and Coldheart incidents. He and Norman Osborn... they hired some mercenaries from Symkaria... Sable International to help police apprehend criminals. The problem with that is... those people are ruthless... they are known to undermine the police of any country they work in... they are the best of the best... trained killers... and Silver Sable, has just called you public enemy of number one in New York. Look... I believe you are a hero. I believe in what you, Luke, Jessica, and Danny are doing... but maybe you should stop. Luke tells me you are still a kid... kids... kids shouldn't need to fight for their lives." Claire spoke, the worry clear in her voice.
"I can't just stop. A man I look up to... he once said that with great power there must also come great responsibility." Peter replied. Claire sighed.
"Don't you get it? Peter... you could really die doing this." Claire stated.
"When you can do the things I can do... and you don't... the bad things happen because of you. I love being Spider-Man... that's true. I'm excited about maybe being like Mr. Stark one day... one of the best... but... even if I were to just stop... I would feel guilty about it, because there would be people that would get hurt or die... and I could have... and should have saved them." Peter explained. Claire sighed again.
"I understand... just... be careful. I'll text you the apartment address where Luke and I live... if you need to get patched up.. just go there. Understood?" Claire asked.
"Yes ma'am" Peter replied.

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