Episode 4: The foes finally meet

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*Theoretical intro plays*
Author note: This episode is going to have a guest character in it.

Peter Parker was walking to the Daily Bugle where Jameson was yelling.
"PARKER, IT'S TIME YOU DID SOMETHING USEFUL SINCE THE MIDLAND CIRCLE INCIDENT. YOU COVER THE COLDHEART EVENTS!" Jameson yelled, not giving Peter much time to think let alone ask anyone for an assignment.
"Coldheart, Mr. Jameson?" Peter asked.
"DON'T JUST STAND THERE PARKER! OUT! GET THE STORY! OUT PARKER OUT!" Jameson yelled and Peter started to walk out of the Bugle.

"I think Jameson is bipolar or something" Peter told himself as he found an alley and changed to Spider-Man, taking his backpack with him so he could get his civilian clothes out when he arrived where he wanted to go... Oscorp.
"The Hunt for Daisy Johnson continues after the agent seemingly shot Air Force General Tablot, but SHIELD has not been seen for quite sometime." A news reporter said in a tv Spider-Man swung past by. [Little does he or the rest of the world know that SHIELD has returned and are trying to prevent getting the world quaked apart~Sage]

Spider-Man landed at Oscorp and hid at an alley nearby to change into Peter Parker. Peter sighed.
"Right. You're a big fan of Otto Octavius' work, but you need to stay focused on the story. Stay focused Peter" Peter told himself before walking inside Oscorp. Peter walked to the front desk where a woman was typing.
"Ma'am, do you know where I can find Otto Octavius?" Peter asked. The woman looked up at him.
"What do you need Dr. Octavius for kid?" asked the woman.
"I work at the Daily Bugle and Jameson, my boss, told me to work on the Kateri Deseronto story, and since most people now know Dr. Octavius was her lab partner, I thought I could get an interview with him" Peter explained. The woman at the front desk shook her head.
"You'd only get in the way of normal work kid" the woman answered, but unknown to her, Otto just walked into the Oscorp building and he had overheard Peter and the woman talking.
"If we refuse him, we'll get in the way of his work" Otto told the woman, who nodded in understanding and Otto motioned Peter to follow him.
"Doctor Octavius. I'm P-Peter Parker. I-I'm a huge fan of your work. I r-read your paper on fusion and.. well that's... that's not exactly why I'm here. I'm here to interview for the Daily Bugle" Peter explained with some studdering (as you can see). Otto smiled and nodded, wanting to be friendly to the guy.
"Mr. Parker, I heard you are a photographer for the Daily Bugle, not a reporter" said Otto.
"Yes sir. However Jameson asked me to also write this story sir. It's my understanding that you created the technology that this Coldheart uses, is that true... Dr. Octavius?" Peter asked.
"Coldheart, Mr. Parker?" Otto asked.
"Oh yeah, right. Coldheart is what the media has been calling the woman who is suspected to be Kateri Deseronto" Peter replied. Otto nodded, acknowledging the new thing he had learned.
"Yes, I created that technology for the military. Yes I know they use guns so a sword seems like it would be useless on the battle field, but the suit was designed towards steath and infiltration. It was supposed to like... hmm... how to explain... like the dawn of a technological ninja" Otto explained.
"And how do you think this suspect get her hands on this suit?" Peter asked.
"Well, Kateri was my lab partner. She is the co-creator of that tech suit and the weaponry. If anyone would know where to find it, it would be her." Otto replied.

Kateri woke up after a long night of uniting most of New York's (the city... not the state) gangs. She decided to turn on the tv.
"This woman is suspected to be Kateri Deseronto. She was filmed murdering a night guard at Oscorp after she had stolen what seems to be some kind of suit." a newsreporter said. Kateri looked at the tv in shock.
"Crap... the cops will probably be here at any time" Kateri told herself as she ran to get her Coldheart suit and her swords and looked outside to see a white van. Kateri got out of through her window and she heard footsteps behind her.
"Freeze. You are under arrest" said a cop pointing a gun at her.
"I don't think I'll be the one to freeze today" Kateri replied as she pointed the freeze ray firing sword at the cop and froze him. Kateri quickly got in her suit and ran to see a group of cops.
"The white van was an undercover police vehicle. I suspected as much" Coldheart said as she started before charging at the cops, the poor officers had unknowingly signed their own death certificates.

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