🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ①⓪ - How Do You Say Hi In Korean?

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I hid the note in my bag. This time it was handwritten so there was a chance to find out who was sending them. If it was even the same person. That intruder who sneaked past security, could he be someone in our school? If these two notes were from the same person, there could be a big chance, he was someone from our school!

Right now, I had to meet Sky and act normal. I think I was getting the hang of pretending...

Skyler and I were now heading to her home. Why was that? Well, long story short. She didn't trust my sense of fashion. Even though a huge part of my life revolved around fashion. That was why she refused to borrow some of my pyjamas. She stated that she had very cute hoodies with animal's ears that we girls had to wear. She got them when she went with her mom to Korea. According to Sky, the country could give you a cuteness overdose! Why did she own six? Because they were cute. But we were only four girls so the unanswered question was, what would she do with the extras? Why bring them all?

When we got there, the sweet cookie aroma hit me in my face. Now I was craving cookies! I literally let the smell hypnotize me and pull me to its source. The source turned out to be the kitchen, where Sky's mom was putting the cookie patch on a plat. Yum!

"Hey, mom! That's my friend, Elena." Sky shoved a cookie into her mouth. My mouth watered watching her. For a superstar who should have a strict diet, I'm the definition of messed up.

"Anneyoung" She waved lightly at me. "Here, have some cookies." She smiled warmly. I thought she'd never say that. I grinned and headed to the plat of cookies.

"Hello ma'am," I said awkwardly when I realized I said nothing since I got here.

"No. No ma'am nonsense of that. I'm not even that old. And I'm way too cool for it." That I had to give her. There was a very very cute accent.

"I love your accent!" I said shoving a cookie into my mouth. Chocolate! It melted in my mouth. Damn, now I couldn't get enough.

"I'm Korean, that's why." She smiled. So that's why Sky looked Asian, even with that blasting blue hair. "Skyler, not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here?"

"Getting clothes. But why do you ask? Are you having a secret date? Is that why you made cookies? Is he hot? Are you two marr-"

"Calm down. No, I'm not dating anyone. The cookies are for me, I was going to binge watch Riverdale." Interesting!

"Hmm... okay! Let's go, Eli!" She said and jumped off the counter then headed to a room, me hot on her trail. Even though I wanted more cookies. They were perfect... sniff! Sky shut the door after we entered and then headed to the closet. So that was her room! Everything was so blue! She took that name seriously, Sky with blue hair and a blue room! Hehe. "So before you ask. My dad has another family and frankly doesn't give a shit what we two are doing. He left since I was a baby and now God knows how many times he remarried and got divorced. I lost count after six!" She said, her head in her closet. She tried to act strong and indifferent but I knew better. There was sadness in her voice.

"I wasn't going to ask." Which is true. Yes, I was curious but I knew when not to cross a line. And that seemed pretty much private to me.

"I know." She sighed. "That's why I told you! I've been trying to get mom to date since forever. I even thought of setting her up online. But no, she opposing it completely. I even asked her once if she didn't prefer guys anymore. Which led to a pillow thrown in my face." She chuckled at the memory while I couldn't contain it. I giggled, imagining her face stuffed with feathers, priceless! Did her mom have a photo?

We finished packing for the night, but the bag Sky was carrying made me think she was going away for a month at least.

We said bye to her mom but before we went on our way she whispered in my ear. "Next time you come here, I'll teach you Korean." I nodded eagerly. I loved multilingual people. If only I had the time to take extra languages classes!

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