🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ②⑨ - Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo

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We went down a step. Two steps. Three steps. But then, my legs decided to give out making me fall and twist my ankles in the process.

"Aww..." I moaned loudly. It hurt so bad! Ron looked at me, facepalming.

"How did you manage to fall after three seconds?" He asked cocking his head to the side. I just shrugged and grinned at him.

I had an idea!

A good one too...

"Carry me," I demanded. My voice sounding a bit childish and whiny. He raised a brow and shrugged turning around. He was leaving? "Ron, if you leave me here, I'll cry." That was the best I could come up with? This drunken state was really playing with my mind. Might as well perfect this act. I jutted my lower lip out and reached my arms to him.

He looked at me and sighed heavily. Returning back. Who was the perfect actress now?


"Hold tight." He said carrying me on his back. "If you fall, I'm leaving you behind." He got up. And damn, I felt his back muscles flex against my front. I was so tempted to touch them but I, unfortunately, couldn't do that without falling! I decided to just enjoy what I could get for now! "Damn, you're so heavy," Ron said, out of nowhere.

"Dude I have a model's body," I said sternly.

"You mean you wish you did." If that was how he was going to play then let's play!

"Maybe your nonexistent muscles can't just handle it." I shot back. The best way to tease boys was insulting the amount of time they spent working out!

"Oh, believe me, they can. But carrying someone that heavy is just pure torture." What?!

"Let me down," I demanded. I was going to punch him into his senses.

"No, I'm saving us time; you'll only slow us down, I'm doing you a favour." He said adjusting his grip on my legs.

"I work out four times a week. My body is perfect. I'm perfect." I ranted.

"If it helps you sleep the night." I heard him murmur. That guy was the walking dead by now.

He walked a bit through the dark streets towards a small park. I was so overcome by joy from seeing the park. I so wanted to play.

Subconsciously, I started singing.

Every single kids' song

Ron's only response was chuckling now and then but no matter how much I egged him on, he never joined me.

"As much as I love your songs, my ears are kinda tired of being screamed in." He huffed.

"Twinkle twinkle-" I started again.

"Elena!" He put me down making me pout. I blinked giving him puppy eyes with a jutted lip. "You're such a drunk kid."

"I did not," I said sternly making him laugh.

"Sorry sorry." He sighed. "Where are you staying?"

"In a hotel!" I chirped, clapping my hands.

"But where?"

"In a street?" I answered unsure of anything.

"And that street is called?" He looked at me expectantly.

"A name?" He facepalmed making me giggle loudly like a schoolgirl.

My mind then drifted to another thought, I wanted to sit on the grass. It looked so shiny! Instantly I dropped on the ground petting the grass around me.

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