🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ②① - Tommy Tom Tom

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Sky stayed all Friday at mine's planning and sending last-minute texts to every single person on earth. We made too many lists to count. Shopping lists, guest lists... it was too organized for my own taste.

We sent Loca and Ian to buy the supplies while we started with decorating every inch of the house. It was going to be perfect! I asked mom and dad to hire people to do this but they were so convinced I could do it. They left this morning to visit uncle Cody. Even though they could have just invited him over. I mean c'mon he was living in literally next door!

"Does this look good enough?" I asked Sky when I was done with making a banner. She put her hands on her hips and made a hmm while tilting her head a little.

"Perfect!" She beamed, but then her smile turned to a scowl when she checked her watch. "Where are your siblings until now?" I shrugged. They were probably getting drinks or wasting time so they wouldn't help. Speaking of not helping, Jason ditched us. "And where the hell is Jason till now? I'll chop his head when I see him!" She said as if reading my thoughts. She chuckled darkly as if she made the best joke ever and all of a sudden, I was scared!

We continued working and the house was looking pretty good with fairy lights and colourful banners. We even went to the extent of getting a disco ball. It was all going perfectly, at least until the doorbell rang. Loca and Ian would never ring the doorbell and neither would Jason because he said he would come in at least two hours.

We still had four hours to finish before anyone should come. So why was the door ringing now? I stomped to open it angrily. It was enough of a bummer Tom was nowhere to be seen. Or found. Or anything. Maybe he ditched me! Noo, he wouldn't ditch my birthday, right?

"Is that a wrong address?" The boy at the door asked. Not any boy, my Tommy!

"Haha," I mocked in sarcasm. I was still angry. Okay, maybe not that much! "Come in," I said grabbing him by his shirt and rolling my eyes. He chuckled. But my brain was going all like where did all these muscles come from? Where was scrawny Thoams? The wonders time could do!

"You changed so much, twinkle!" Thomas said once we got in hugging me so hard that all the air in my lungs was gone. I hated the nickname but I learnt very long time ago he wasn't letting it go. It was because I used to sing a lot as a child.

"Look who's talking." He chuckled, my mood was growing brighter by the second. I headed over to Sky. "So, Thomas, that's my bestie, Sky." I used his full name just to annoy him.

"Hey, Sky!" He waved and then turned to me. "How dare you call anyone else your bestie?" He said in fake hurt. He even went to the extent of sniffing and removing a nonexistent tear.

"Yeah yeah!" I said nonchalantly. "Then why didn't you come here earlier?" I glared at him, sending daggers.

"Because I was using my parents private jet to tour the world, and get you the perfect birthday gift." His lips raised un a side smirk. I raised a brow at him.

"If you were predicting I would get you a present too, then you're miserably wrong." I grinned. That was evil! It was both our birthdays. He was brought to the world three hours before me which was annoying as hell! He always made a point of stating how he was older, ever since he could talk!

"Wait, I'm confused." Sky said abruptly.

"I'm older than miss twinkle here by three hours so yeah, it was my birthday first!" See, that was what I was just talking about! "About my present?"

"No negotiations." I deadpanned.

"But, ugh! I hate you."

"No, you don't." I kissed his cheek. "Now we need help!" I said in the bossiest voice ever.

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