🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ②④ - Ooh! What Do We Have Here!

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"Where's Aurora?" I asked the new receptionist.

"In the CEO's office." I smiled and started heading to the elevator. "But you can't just go there." Oh, believe me, I could. I ignored her and headed there anyway.

I didn't bother to transform into Cinnamon but I was still Elena Whitte. So, it wasn't a problem. When I reached the office, I decided it was polite to knock.

Aurora was there sitting on my favourite couch while her brother AKA the all-mighty CEO was sitting on the leather chair opposite to her.

"Wow! You do know how to knock!" He said.

"I can try to be polite." I shrugged dropping next to Aurora.

"Well, you're the only reason this stubborn lady agreed to work here. So, do whatever suits you." He smiled.

"And I'm the biggest star over here. Don't forget that." I added, he nodded while Aurora chuckled. "Oh oh, and I'm too gorgeous so that's a bonus." I grinned widely.

"On another note, how bad was Fabia at school?" She had to bring her now.

"Terrible! She had everyone fooled. I was tempted to literally scratch her eyes out." I said darkly.

"Savage. But that problem can be easily solved." Olli whose name was August said.

"Yeah Olli, but where's the fun in that?" I raised a brow. But inside I was dying of stress.

"Elena, don't you worry, they know nothing," Aurora said lightly as her stress radar dinged. "That's why it's fine, I have a plan for these kinds of situations. I've always been prepared since the day I worked with you." She continued with a smirk on her face, that woman was seriously my lifesaver.

"I'm counting on you then," I said with a genuine smile on my face. I had to leave, I didn't need to raise suspicion! I had to make it look like a quick business meeting or something like that.

On my way out, I met the boys in the elevator. Of course, they didn't recognize me and it wasn't like anyone acknowledged me as Elena. But I wanted to brush their ego a bit. It would encourage them knowing they had fans!

"Oh. My. God. You're black eyes!" I squealed like a little school girl. They all had big fat grins on their faces. Even the grumpy dwarf, Malcom. Mission accomplished! I kept gushing over them and reciting every detail a fan should know! They were so happy and nice too! And being genuinely nice was scarce so they were extra great to me, extra special.

The day quickly rolled and the morning came rather fast. Too fast for my own liking!

I was in the school library trying to catch up with my late work when I heard a hushed conversation. Fabia was talking. And dammit, I was curious.

Didn't they say curiosity killed the cat?

Oh, well, I was a damn tiger!

I got as close as I could, ninja style without anyone noticing me. I was well-hidden, but for the sake of security measures and perfection, I opened a book and pretended to be engrossed in it.

"Why did you lie to me then?" Louis asked her. "When I asked you if you were in the same school?" He explained. Ooh, he was talking about our conversation! This was getting good! I knew I had it in me to be the gossip girl!

"What?" She asked quietly.

"That time when I asked you that when you were Cinnamon? Why did you lie to me?" Maybe because she had no idea you said that to Cinnamon, you idiot. How dumb could he get? It was damn obvious!

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