🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ②② - You'll Call Me Your Majesty

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"Ummm... Elena, I'm sorry for... everything. Can we just forget everything happened in the past?" Louis asked, as if I could just forget. Nah, I was way too evil for that!

"Let me think about it." I tapped my chin as if in deep thought. "Hmmm... no thanks, I'm good with hating you." I patted my lashes at him

"El, when did you become like that?" Thomas suppressed his smile. He knew there was more coming. And let me tell you, the show was about to start.

"A few hours ago." I shrugged. "Now, dear Louis." He looked up at me. "Don't worry about your job." He sighed in relief. I was evil but not that much. "Worry about your free time." I smiled.


"You know how you told Jason you will do anything for him?" I stopped. I needed this to be slow and painful. Nah, just kidding. It just had to register in that thick head of his. "Turns out he owes me and I need something like a personal servant so guess who's my new task boy?"

"Noo!" He said slowly, his voice almost a whisper.

"Yes!" I squealed. "We'll have so much fun!" I clapped. "But I'm not cruel, your first day is on Monday. Don't forget to carry my bag. It's quite heavy, you know?" And just like that, I left.

Victorious. That was how I felt.

Now, where was my bestie? I moved through masses looking everywhere for her until I finally spotted her in a quiet hall... talking to Adam. As I got closer, I could see her shoulders moving.

Please don't be something bad!

Please don't be anything bad!


It was all a blur from there. Sky crying, running and then me punching Adam. I knew he was no good. But no one and I meant no one could hurt my Sky and get away with it. I could feel someone's arms around me, keeping me from causing Adam any real damage. I struggled against those arms but they were too strong.

"Shana." He breathed trying to calm me.

"Where's Sky?" I asked trying to calm down.

"With your brother. Now calm down." He said in a soothing manner. I take in a deep breath. Ian wouldn't hurt her, he could be so sweet when he wanted. She would be okay. I just knew it. She would be okay.

I start to relax against Ron and just then, I noticed I was too tired. My hand hurt really bad. I felt like the walking dead.

"Now, let's get you upstairs and check on those fists. I'm sure you broke the guy's nose." He chuckled carrying me up properly.

"It wasn't that bad." I murmured feeling heat creep up my neck.

When we reached my room, he asked about a first aid kit. I gave him directions, not really having the energy to fight him on it. When he was back, I was in my pyjamas. He worked on my knuckles which were a bit bruised in silence.

"Goodnight, Shana." He sighed getting out. Seconds later, I fell into a deep deep sleep.

The first thought to come when I woke up was going to Sky's house. I needed to get my mind off that damn reporter that said he would reveal my identity tomorrow.

I crossed my fingers hoping all that was just nothing.

I rang the doorbell, stayed for a while, rang it again and again until after about twenty minutes, Sky opened the door. Leaving a small crack open then dragging herself to her room again. That looked miserable. I entered following her to her bed. Sighing I laid next to her.

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