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Amora's P.O.V
"Oh, I never caught your name." He laighed.
"It's Amora." I smiled.
"Amora.." He repeated in a soft and light hearted tone, "that's beautiful."
"Imma call you Ora for short." One of the boys wrapped his arm around me playfully.
"And that's Daniel." Jack scratched the back of his neck.
"Ayo." Daniel smiled.
I waved.
"And I'm Jonah." The tallest boy said and he took Daniel's arm off me and they twirled like little girls.
"I'm Jack Frost." A white haired boy with sunglasses way to small for his face, said.
"That's Corbyn." Jack corrected.
"And I'm Zach!" A boy with a baby face, coming of age walked up, "I'm the oldest."
"Pfft, you wish." Jonah snickered.
I laughed but hid it underneath my hand.
"YO AMORA I NEED HELP FRIGGIN WASHING THIS DOG ITS GONNA BITE ME TO DEATH." I heard a very childish scream from the back.
"Sorry, my friend Shawn is always in trouble." I joked, "I better get going."
Jack's smile died down and so did the other boys.
"Just, let me know if you guys need help." I reassured.
"I think Jack needs help holding his heart!" Daniel went full girl and quarking mode.
Jack hit Daniel over the face and I laughed again, "I'll cya guys around."
They all smiled nervously as I left the scene.
I ran into the back and saw Shawn on the floor with dog fur all around him and the pomeranian wagging its tail, still a fluff ball of energy.
I picked the dog up and brushed it. Shawn jumped to his feet and dusted off the dog fur left from his clothes.
"Who were those guys you were talking to?" He asked.
Don't get any ideas. He's gay.
"Customers." I answered.
"Hmmmm, didn't look like that." He smirked.
"Shawn, no. Aspen's dad is--was, their manager." I said.
"BUT IF HE WASN'T?? THEN WHAT??" He begged for answers but I didn't budge.
After i finished grooming the dog I held it in my hand and walked away from Shawn who was dying of not knowing my every move.
"KONGGGG DA SAVAGE--" Logan yelled, "now perfrctly groomed by this lovely lady."
I handed him the dog and he held him in the air. I couldn't help but look over at Jack. He was looking right back at me. I quickly looked back at Logan, "I'll ring you up over here."
I lead them over to the cash register and they paid for the grooming.
"Actually...someone," Logan turned to the camera and then to Jack, "Someone needed help with something."
He smirked and Jack's eyes widened, "Wut."
His confusion was hilarious.
"Didn't you want to see what it was like to hold a hedgehog?" Logan said.
"Oh! Yeah." He nervously laughed.
The other boys wear turning red from biting their lips together, trying not to laugh. Logan and the other boys left and made sure Jack stayed.
"Sorry..about them." Jack apologized.
"Their your friends." I said, "trust me, I have them too."
I gestured to were Shawn was staring out the window.
Jack laughed, to see Shawn against the glass.
I showed Jack to wear the hedgehogs were and pulled out my keys to open the cage.
"So..." Jack started, putting his hands in his pockets, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
My heart droppes, the room got 50 times hotter, I felt weak.
"I have an ex." I sighed trying to find the right key.
He pierced his lips together.
I looked up to him. I guess he wanted a real answer.
"It's very complicated." I shook my head trying to snap back to reality.
I open the cage to the hedgehog and gentle grabbed it, "You have to hold it like this."
I cupped my hands around the small thing. Jack mimiced my hand as I handed him the precious hedgehog.
He smiled as it was in his hands. Jack brought the hedghog closer to his face and nuzzled its small face against his nose.
"What's its name?" He asked, handing the hedgehog back to me.
"Penelope." I said as I put thr hedgehog back into its hidey hole.
"Awww." He sighed, "That's cute."
As I stood up and turned around he was looking directly at me.
I felt my heart skip several beats.
"So, do you maybe wanna go get lunch with me and the boys?" Jack asked.
"I-I've gotta finish my shift--"
"I've got it from here." I turned and saw Shawn, "Besides, it's your lunch break."
Shawn winked and went away.
"Well, I guess you're on break." Jack teased.
I laughed and we walked out to where the other boys were sitting.
"Ayeee! Are you gonna be joining us?" Zach asked.
"Yeah." Jack said and as I looked at him, he was smiling back at me.
I looked down trying to hide my cheeks from going red.
Logan started laughing at the camera and pointing, "Alrighty Logang That-Is-The-Vloogggg!!!"
And he did a little ending as Brendan put down the camera.
"Alrighty! Where do you guys wanna eat?" Logan clapped his hands together.
"I'm fine with whatever--"
"IN AND OUT!" Daniel shouted and quickly covered his mouth, "Sorry."
We laughed and all agreed.
"Ok, In and Out it is!" Logan smiled a huge amount as we all got in the car.

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