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Evan's POV

It's officially 2 pm and I'm still in bed. Cassie's been up since like eight. So, she's downstairs with the others. I lazily get up and get right in the shower. I honestly feel like shit.

Cassie's POV

I'm just sitting with everyone until I hear the shower run. Evan must be up. About time. I walk back upstairs and wait for him.  It's been about ten minutes and I hear the door open and see him coming out.

"About time you got up." I say and walk up to him.

"Yeah, I know. Just was really tired I guess."

"Well, come down, you must be hungry." I say and grab his hand and pull him back downstairs.

I just realized something: It's Valentine's Day.

"Evan, guess what day it is?" I ask in excitement.

"Yes, I know it's Valentine's Day. And I have to show you something tonight. I can't tell you though. It's a surprise." He says after he finishes eating his breakfast. Which happens to be at 2 in the afternoon.

This day has been going by pretty fast. It's already 8:30 and I haven't done anything today besides eat and read. Oh, and I haven't seen Evan at all. Last time I saw him was when he was eating breakfast. I think I should find him. I walk up the stairs towards our bedroom. All I see is Oliver and Sam playing. Don't know what. Probably some game they made up. There's only one other place he could be. Hunting. He's probably on one of his hunting trips. But didn't he just bring home half a deer? I guess I'll just have to wait for him. Ben and Ringer can keep me company.

Time skip

It's been about a half an hour until I hear the door open. And of course Evan walks in. I walk up to him and ask him where he has been.

"Something. But I want you to go outside for a couple minuets. Can you do that?" He asks, leading me outside.

"Um, okay." Is all I say before I walk outside and see a path leading somewhere. So I decide to follow it. I keep walking until the pathway turns into a pathway full of candles. I keep walking. Up ahead I see a blanket with a bouquet of flowers with a note tied to it. So I pick it up and read it.

"Every name has a meaning, but some are worth looking at." What? Looking at? What's that supposed to mean? All of a sudden I hear the bushes rustle. I drop the note and walk towards the noise. Then I see Evan just standing there, looking at me, then gesturing me to look up. So I do. The second I do, I cover my mouth with my hand and see her. Cassiopeia. The constellation.

"Oh my God, Evan.." I get cut off by arms wrapping around me, both of us looking up. Continuing to look at Cassiopeia. With my head resting on his shoulder.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Mayfly." He whispers in my ear. I look up at him and press my lips to his. With my arms moving to his neck, his crawling up my back. Our lips move in a steady rhythm. Breaking apart minuets later, out of breath.

"I love you." I whisper to him. With him smiling and saying it back. Which makes us kiss for a second time that lingers. But it only lasts for a couple seconds. After all that, we break away and walk back to the house hand in hand. It is getting late so We walk right to our room. Sam and Oliver are back in his room playing. Well, I assume they're playing. And hope. That too. Me and Evan both change into sleeping clothes. Which he doesn't really have to change into much. Unlike me, who sleeps in a tank top and shorts. He only sleeps with boxers. And say no more, Cassie. Don't go any farther.

Oliver's POV

I wake up and I see that it's 3 in the morning. Great. Now I can't sleep. I walk to Sam's room to see if he's awake. And sure enough, he's sound asleep. Next stop is mom and dad's room. I quietly open the door and tug on mom's blanket. She doesn't wake up so I tug harder. She slightly opens her eyes and looks at me. Before she can say anything, I tell her that I cant sleep. She tiredly responds.

"Okay, lets go to your room. I can help you get to sleep." She says and leads me to my room.  I hop into my bed and pull the covers on me.

"You know why I named you Oliver, right?" She asks me. I giver her a confused look.

"No, why?"

"Well, your grandpa was named Oliver. But he passed away a few years ago. And when I had you Me and your father decided to name you after him." She explains.

"But, where's grandma? Is she gone too?" I ask. She looks down and then looks back at me.

"Yes." Is all she says, until she speaks up again.

"She died too, Oliver. She died before you grandma did. I could maybe show you pictures of them tomorrow, but you need to get to sleep, alright?" She then says. I sit up and give her a hug.

"I'm sorry, momma.  I'm sure they loved you very much."  I say after I hug her.

"I know, Oliver. Now, goodnight. I love you." She says then turns back and leaves mt room, closing the door behind her.

Cassie's POV

I crawl back in bed and cuddle up next to Evan.  It's weird because It's like one part of my body wants to remember them, but the other part, doesn't want to. Of course I still love them and all, but sometimes, I think, that it was worth it. 

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE.  I tried to update on Valentine's just so I could do this. So yay. I will update soon. ASAP!

Eviopeia (Cassie and Evan fanfic)  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now