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Cassie's POV

We start packing as soon as we all get up. It's taking us forever just to pack because Sam cant find his bear. I see everyone scatter around trying to find what they need. I'm already ready to go. Just standing and waiting.

Everybody's finally ready to go. It took Sam ten minutes to find bear, But its only important that he found him.

We start walking. Ben told us all to hold hands. "For safty hazards." He says. Ugh. Not that I hate holding hands. Which I don't. But I'm just saying if we get in trouble we can just yell for help. We have vocal cords you know. To be honest, I fucking hate Ben. (Sorry for the language) I mean I don't hate him. I just strongly just like him. He thinks he has to do everything around here. It's really annoying.

Time skip 2 hours

Its getting dark really fast. Hour by hour, minute by minute. We need to stop somewhere to sleep. My legs are about to collapse.

I signal Evan to rest. I'm sure his feet hurt too. "Alright guys we can rest here, " He yells so Teacup and Sam can hear.

We all stop and drop our stuff. I immediately lay down on the hard ground. My feet are aching, they hurt like hell. Evan comes and lays down next to me, resting my head on his chest. Ringer lays down too. Ben says he has night watch. Sam laying down on the other side of me, Teacup next to Ringer.

In the morning

Evan's POV

We all start walking again. Our second day traveling to... I don't even know where. Cassie keeps describing it as a "mystery journey, " Because we don't really don't know where we're going.

Two days past and we are still walking. I'm starving. Yes, we've ate the past day and rested. I'm still hungry and tired as hell. I can tell everybody feet is hurting too. Walking slow, limping. Including me. Ben stops and I can tell he sees something. "Come on, we're getting closer," Getting closer? To what?

A couple minutes later I see a abandoned gas station. Me and Cassie both sprint there, passing everybody. We get there in an instant, immediately scanning for goodies. I see everybody else already grabbing stuff of the shelfs. I see a necklace that has a "C" on it. I tuck it I'm my pocket "I'll give to her later. For a present," I think. I see Cassie hand me some water. I only drink a little so Cassie can have some too. We packed like half the store. It felt like thirty minutes. But I don't know.

We continue walking and eating. Mostly nibbling because we kinda have to save it. Up ahead I see a big house.

"Looks abandoned," I tell Ben to walk towards the house. He stiffens and loads his gun.

We walk slowly into the house, not hearing anything. We split up. A couple of us going upstairs and some staying down. Me and Cassie look upstairs, seeing a master bedroom connected to a bathroom. Right next door is a walk-in closet. Next to the bedroom I look up and see the attic. Ill go up there later. Cassie tells me she saw something move in the closet. She leads me into the closet, pointing to a spot where I can something move. This is not good.

Ben's POV

Me and Ringer search everywhere. I look around and see a kitchen connected to the living room. I walk down a big hallway and see a bathroom. Across from it there is a small bedroom, I think it was a kids' bedroom. The wall was light pink and bunk beds. I ignore my feelings and look around more. Seeing the laundry room is a mess. Next door I see stairs leading to the basement. I decide to walk down the stairs slowly. In case their is people down there. I don't hear anything or see anything. Thats at first. I turn on the light I don't see anything so far. I see an old washing machine. I hear footsteps behind me. I stop walking and load my gun. Not saying a word.

Cliffhanger I know!! I'm sorry!!! I'll update asap!!!

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