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Ben's POV

I haven't been socializing with anyone latly. I can't find Ringer anywhere, Sam and Teacup are up in there room, and Evan and Cassie are God knows where. I haven't seen anyone and I'm kinda lonely. I've been thinking if I should find her sense no one has seen her in a few hours.

I checked the whole house and all I've seen was everyone except Ringer. Now I'm getting kinda worried. The only place I can check is outside, so I grab a rifel thats probably Evan's, since he leaves it by the door. I walk out and start my journey. Being honest here, I am kinda worried. Not only because of Ringer, but because it's not safe out here. I know I have a weapon, but still. The Others. They aren't really gone. They're still scattered around in the woods, waiting for their next victim.

Now that just made me think: Did they take Ringer?

No, of course they didn't. Everyone knows she's strong. And knows how to fight. Not like a girl, but like a warrior.

I continue walking with rifel in hand. My anxiety is racing right now. I don't know why. I keep looking behind me constantly. But that's kinda a good thing. People could be following me. But Evan did teach me a lot about them. And he said that they are kinda stupid in ways. But they do know how to fight. And if I do find one, those motherfuckers can't and won't stand a chance against me. There's a 50/50 shot I'll win against them. And a shot I won't.

Sam's POV

I've been playing with Teacup for hours and I'm starting to get hungry. And I know she is too. We look around the house for someone and we first find Cassie and Evan.

"Hey, Cassie." I say to her. She turns her head to face me.

"Hey, bud. What is it?" She asks.

"Me and Teacup are getting hungry. Do w have any food left?" I say. She looks down then at Evan.

"Um. I don't know, Sam. I think Ringer went out to get more. Plus we haven't seen her in a while." She says hesitantly.

"Okay. I think I heard that Ben was going to look for her." Teacup says from behind me.

"Wait. He went out there alone? Does he know how dangerous that is!?" She almost yells. She then gets up dragging Evan behind her. She tells me that Evan's mom will take care of you and Teacup while she's gone.

Ben's POV

I've been looking for hours and I still haven't seen anything. Other than Others wandering around the woods, which I have killed. I think I've been out here too long. Evan and Cassie are probably looking for me already. I just know it.

Then. I hear footsteps. Up ahead. I have my rifel ready to shoot. When the mysterious person finally comes into view, I put my gun down and run to her.

Ringer's POV

I'm wandering in the forest, taking careful steps. Know one knows what could be lurking in these woods. I suddenly stop in my steps when I see someone in front of me. Looking straight at me. I recognize the face immediately. Before I know it I'm running right to him. In a matter of seconds I'm in his arms, bear hugging him.

"I'm sorry, Ben." Is all I say. He immediately replies that it's okay.

"Just never leave again." He says, us still hugging.

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