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Three months later

Evan's POV

It took me a half hour to get settled down. With the help of Cassie, it makes it a bit easier. That's the thing about Cassie, she knows how to settle people down. That's one reason why I love her.

Cassie's POV

My stomach is huge. Literally. Ringer says I'll find out the gender in a few days. I'm really exited. Evan has been helping me do everything. I've been going on walks latly. Ringer says it's good for the baby's health. Of course Evan always comes with me. Just in case.

But I have been thinking: Evan never told me about his parents. I am very curious to know. We're all just doing nothing. Sam and Teacup are always playing together. I guess they're pretty good friends.

I see Evan and I get up and walk toward him. I'm kinda nervous how this conversation will end.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I say, even more scared.

"Anything." He says, calmly.

"Okay, well, it's about your family." I say, looking down.

"Alright." He says. I can also hear him breathing heavily.

"What happened to them?"

"Well, I'll just tell you everything."

He sighs and starts

"I lived down south for a while until my parents divorced. I stayed with my mom and my dad left to live with his brother. When the second wave hit, my mom took me somewhere. She never said, though. My sister was out with her boyfriend so she didn't come. I actually don't know what happened to her. Anyway, I found out she was taking me to Wright Patterson. They tested me and turned me into an Other. There was this voice in my head it was quiet, but it was there. And when the ship arrived, it was like a flip was switched inside me. And a sleeper woke up."

He started to explain how he saw me. In the highway. He also mentioned he shot me.

"Cassie-" He starts.

I quickly run out of the house, sobbing. Not wanting him near me. Anymore.

Evan's POV

I had to tell her. I know I hurt her. But I couldn't keep it anymore. She had to know.

Cassie's POV

Why did he shoot me?! Why didn't he tell me?! He could've just told me sooner!! Does he even love me anymore?!

I'm just walking and suddenly I run into Evans mom. She looks utterly confused.

"I don't want to talk about it." Is all I say before I attempt to walk away, but she grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug.

"Come on, talk to me." She says, looking at me.

"He told me. Everything. He shot me."

"I'm so sorry, dear. I'm sure he did it for a reason. She says, smiling.

"I'm sorry, I never cought your name."

"Oh it's Val. " She says, holding out her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Val." I say and shake it.

"So how long have you two been together?" She asks hesitantly.

"For a few months. And of course we have been through times like this."

"Well, me and him never got along well." She says, looking down.

"Um, about that, he told me about when you took him to Wright Patterson and tested him and made him an Other." I say, curiously. She continues to look at the floor.

"It was complicated between us. I couldn't stand him and I just wanted him to leave. And I figured the only way to do that was to make him an Other." She replies.

"What about your husband?" I ask.

"He was never home and whenever he was, he never talked to us or even looked. And soon enough, I told him I didn't want him here and he just left. I bet your family was better." She says, looking up at me.

"Not that much better. My mom died from the third wave and me, my brother and my dad all went to this camp. They separated us and my dad died right in front of me." I say, looking back at her.

"Well I guess we've both had bad pasts, huh?" She says back.

"Yeah, we're not so different after all."

"But when I was a kid, my mother always said she had a bad past. And you know what she said to that? "When you have a bad past, you always get a good future." And it was true too. She successfully pasted school, graduated college. Had a great love life. She was happy. And I'm sure you will too."

There was complete silence untill she speaks up.

"I think you should go apologize to Evan. I think he's ready. Are you?"

"In think so, I'll try my best." I get up and walk to the bedroom where I'm asuming he is. And of course I see him, sitting on the bed, doing nothing.

"Hey can of talk to you?"

He sighs, "Sure." He says and turns around to face me.

"Look, I'm sorry. I ran into your mom and she told me things. Things like, "He probably did it for a reason." And stuff like that. I'm sorry. It was all in the past. One more thing your mom told me: When you have a bad past, you always get a good future. And plus, we've been through worse things than this. And if we got passed those, we can get through this. Okay? Even when we fight, I know we still love each other. And I know I love you." I say, playing with my hands, looking down.

Suddenly he gets up and walks towards me. And engulfs me with a bear hug.

"I'm sorry too, babe. I'm so sorry." He says and kisses me passionately. We brake away and holds his hand on my stomach. "I love you and the baby."

That's a wrap. Sorry that took me so long to make. I am trying and just so you know, I edited Chapter 22. I explained Evan's backstory a bit better in this chapter. And another thing: Any baby names?

Eviopeia (Cassie and Evan fanfic)  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now