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5 years later

Okay so I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while it's just the exams and I've been studying like crazy and I don't have a much time as I used to. I practice my guitar for lessons and like I said, study for exams. But I promise you that I will update when I have the time.

Cassie's POV

Oliver turned 6 a few weeks ago. A lot has changed actually. Ben and Ringer are still together. Same with me and Evan. Sure, we've had our fights and we've gotten past them. But with Ben and Ringer, their fights are a lot different. We've decided to move somewhere else. Evan suggested we go to his old farm house. They all agreed. And plus, for me and Evan, it'll bring back some old memories.

We are on our way there now. And to my surprise, Sam and Oliver are getting along pretty well. He's getting along with everyone. Even though he's five.

It's been 45 minutes and we're almost there already. I assumed it would be pretty far. I guess not.

We're all walking in complete silence untill someone has to complain. "Is anyone else hungry. Becasue I'm starving!" Sam asks me, tugging my shirt sleeve and looking up at me.

"I know Sam. I am too and we'll eat as soon as we get there, okay?" I tell him with a loving tone. "Fine."

We arrive ten minutes later and I immediately run up to Evan's room and jump on the bed. Relaxing my feet from walking so much. It feels like seconds later when sleep takes me.

Evan's POV

Once I saw Cassie run up the stairs I feel a tug on my sleeve. I look down and see Sam asking if he can have food now.

"Yes, Sam, you can have food now. Come on." I say and lead him to the fridge. I'm surprised to see all my food is still in here. But I think it's all expired. I scavenge the fridge looking for unexpired food, not having any luck. And it's no surprise. I haven't been here in like six years.

"Well, Sam, all the food in here is expired. I'll have to go hunting for deer or something, alright? Tell Cassie that I'll be gone for a while okay?" I bend down to Sam's level and tell him if he can wait a few minutes.

"No, I wanna eat now!" He complains. I sigh and just tell him it won't be long. Then, I grab my gun and leave.

Ben's POV

Evan said there is only one guest bedroom. Because he basically has his parents room, sharing it with Cassie. He said me and Ringer get his sisters room. And Sam will have Evan's room. And Teacup will have the guest. Oh, and Oliver will sleep with Cassie and Evan.

Evan's POV

I'm out walking in the forest. With my rifle in hand. Up ahead I hear something. Now, this could be anything. Or anyone. I walk closer to the noise, trying to make out what the noise is. When getting closer, I see someone. Hunting. He has his gun pointing at a deer. In a second, his bullet flies into the deer's head. I guess he's innocent. Hunting for food, just like me. Trying to survive. I'm thinking if I should talk to him. But what if he's an Other? It's a risk I'm willing to take.

I slowly walk up to him, still having my gun close to me in case. Anything could go wrong. "Hello." Is all I say until he jerks around staring at me.

"Don't worry, I'm innocent. I'm just looking for food too." I say, slowly putting my gun away.

"Well, I'm Tyler. My family are desperate for food. So here I am."

"My name's Evan. Do you have a house around here?" I ask curiously.

"Well, of course. Do you?" He asks. Thinking where this conversation might end.

"Yeah, its back east a little ways. And, my family is looking for food too. Do you think we can share some of that deer?" I ask, pointing to the lifeless deer behind him.

"Well, of course. One family to another." He says and walks up to the deer with a machete and slices the deer in half. Lending me the top half, him taking the bottom.

"Thank you so much. I appreciate this." I say holding out my hand.

"No problem. And, take care of your family. It was nice to meet you Evan." He says and walks off. I can't wait to tell everybody about this.


I just get home and see nobody here. I check for Cassie. And I see her sound asleep on the bed. Same with Oliver.

I hear some conversation coming from Ben and Ringer's room. I can't make out what they're saying, and I'm not really gonna bother they're arguments. I sigh and turn around and walk back to my room. I still see everybody sleeping. I give a small smile and crawls in the bed next to Cassie and I fall right to sleep.

Again, sorry that took me so long to do. Plus I had a lot of writers block in the making. Thats why I need ideas!

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