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Tyler's POV (bet you didn't see that coming!)

I have a feeling about Evan. He was acting kinda weird. But I don't know. I walk back to my house to be greeted by my wife. My daughter comes up to me and hugs my legs.
"Hey sweetie." I greet her. I walk straight to the kitchen and set the deer on the table. My arms are dead. I had to walk like... two miles with a 75 pound deer (75 pounds because he has half of the deer. An average weight of a deer is 150 pounds. And half of that I think is 75.) Hanging on my shoulder. I think I should find Evan. I mean, not trying to be a stalker or anything, just because.

He did say his house was east from where we were yesterday. Hmm. If I can go to the spot where we were, I can just head east and I should find it. And, I know I don't know what the house looks like, but I might see someone. Maybe even Evan.

I've been walking east for about 45 minutes now and I think I'm getting close. It's like I can sense him or something. I find his house almost immediately. Without hesitation, I walk right to the doorstep and knock.

There's a slight pause and then someone answers. "Can I help you?" The girl with blond hair asks.

"Um, yes actually. Do you know someone named Evan?" I ask curiously. Already knowing he's here.

"Uh, yeah there is. Who are you?" She asks. The look on her face make me nervous.

"Where are my manners, I'm Tyler. Me and Evan met when he was out hunting. I was out hunting and I found him looking for food." I say, trying to explain as much a possible.

"Oh, well, I'm Cassie. I can get Evan if you want me to." Cassie, says and runs upstairs to get Evan. I didn't even answer but I guess she knew what I was going to say.

"Babe!" I hear her say, she must be his girlfriend or something. I mean when you hear someone call someone 'babe' you would expect them to be their significant other. I turn back to reality when I hear Cassie tell me that I can come inside. Also telling me that Evan is upstairs waiting for me. I walk upstairs and see Evan sitting on a bed, facing the opposite direction.

"Hey Evan. Nice to see you again." I say kindly.

"Yeah, hey Tyler. He says, sounding annoyed and tired. Probably because of me. Maybe.

"How did you find me?" He asks quickly, like he's in a hurry.

"Well, back when we were out hunting, you told me your house was a little ways east from where we were. So I went back to where I shot that deer and just went east. And soon enough, I found your house." I explain.

"Okay, but how. How did you know what the house looked like?" He questions, now facing me. He has this confused look, I can tell he's curious to know.

"Well, I don't know if you'll believe me, but, In a way, It's like I could sense where you are. I don't understand how, It's just like... I can sense people like you." I explain. Kinda regret saying that last part.

"People like me, what do you mean people like me?" He questions standing up and walking over to me. Stopping inches away.

"Well, I don't really know, actually, like I said, It's like I can sense people. Anybody. I don't understand how, but, when I was little, my mom told me that I was different. People would always judge me at school for how I acted. I started getting bullied in high school. I always felt different. When I started college, I remembered our science class, we went on a field trip, or that's what our teacher told us. But I soon found out that we were going to this military base, I was the only one on the bus that was calm. All the others were yelling and screaming things that I couldn't understand. They put me to sleep and when I woke up, I knew they did something to my brain. There was this voice in my head, it was quiet, but I could make out a few words. It was telling me to kill. To kill everyone on the planet. But as the years went on, the voice started disappearing.  I started a family when I was in my thirty's, I got married, had a kid. Two years later the waves hit and surprisingly, everybody in my family lived. I guess they know how to survive. And soon enough, we found shelter. But, we aren't that different, Evan. Were like the same person in a way." I explain, out of breath. Hoping I did a good job explaining everything.

"Well, you're right about some things. We aren't that different. I have a similar backstory. I was an other, too. I had a voice in my head as well. But it wasn't only telling me to kill, It was telling to save, and kill. When I was out in the woods, by myself, I saw Cassie, she was so calm. But at the same time, she was scared. And all out of nowhere, someone shot her straight in the thigh. I found out who shot her and I saved her. I found her and brought her back my farm house. And may I add this is the same house we are living in. Anyway, she was obviously, scared of me and didn't trust me at first, But as she got to know me more and more, she kinda fell in love with me. But our relationship didn't last long. when she found out that I was an other, she freaked out and kinda ditched me and went to the military base to find her brother. That's kinda the reason why she was on the highway in the first place, But, she told me not to follow her, but I did anyway and I found her with Sam. That was kinda the first time I saw him. But things were different. I could tell when she first saw me at the base, her face was kinda happy, but at the same time, it was afraid. She was afraid and happy. We soon all left the base. And by all, I mean, me, Cassie, Sam, Ringer, and Ben. I'll tell you about them another time. I don't remember much, but I remember all that." He explained, I can tell he's settled down after all that. But I can tell, that he really loves her.  And I see her coming to the room.

"Hey, is everything alright in here?" She asks, looking at me, then to Evan.

"Yeah, everything's alright, And we were just about done here." Evan says, standing up and leading me out the door.

"Well, bye Evan, it was nice talking to you." I say before I leave. Then, I walk out the door and head home.

Evan's POV

"So, what did you guys talk about up there?" Cassie says from behind me.

"Just about our past. I told him all about you. And how much I love you." I say kissing her cheek and draping my arm around her shoulder.

"Well, I love you too."

I literally spent all day doing this. I reached 1257 words and I am pretty proud of myself.

Eviopeia (Cassie and Evan fanfic)  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now