idk what to call this

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(Um as it said an enjoy)

((y/n)'s POV)

I sighed as I finished watching one of H2O Delirious's gmod video. I really wish I could see what he looks like. I sighed as I turned off my computer an grabbed my bag. Well now I have to go to work. I sighed as I walked to the coffee shop where I worked. It is kinda good that I live close so I don't have to worry about being late. I smiled an waved to Shade as I went into the back to put my bag up. I walked back to the counter an started to put some of the fresh made pastries out in the front for people to see. I smiled as I started to make some coffee for me to drink. One of the perks of working at a coffee shop I get free coffee while I am on my shift. I sighed as I took a sniff of my coffee before drinking some. I smiled as I continued to drink my drink. "Hey (y/n) we got a customer." I put my drink down an got ready to take their order. "Welcome to Coffee Stop, what would you like today?" I asked as I took a quick sip of my drink. "Um actually I am new to this shop so could you tell me what you would recommend?" I smiled an nodded as I started to explain what I liked an what most people ordered here. "Well I will take a caramel mocha and a blueberry muffin if you don't mind, please." I nodded an started to make his coffee while Shade rang him up. I grabbed his muffin an smiled as I handed him his order. "Thank you for coming please come again." I said as I winked at him. I giggled a bit as I saw him blush. I feel sorry for all of the guys that walk in here. My boss told me to do that when every people finish their orders. I smiled as I started to make some fresh Blueberry turnovers. (it's a thing don't judge me. XD jk now back to the story.) I sighed as I started to get kinda tired. "Hey Shade can I go on my brake since it's kinda slow now?" I smiled as he nodded an I took a seat. I think I will watch Delirious now. I smiled as I pull up his live stream. "So Delirious what did you do fun today?" Evan asked. "Well I went to a new coffee shop an meet a cute girl." "OOOHHHH Delirious has a crush." "Shut up guys." I smiled as I thought about who an where Delirious went today. "So... you going to describe her to us bro or you to scared she's watching the stream?" "I-i-i am not scared I actually don't think she knows who I am." I frowned. "Oh well get on with it." I laughed a bit as Nogla blew up an screamed in the middle of his sentence. "Well she has long (h/c) (or short just go with it) an has beautiful (e/c) eyes. She also has a cute laugh an a sweet smile." I could feel my eyes widen as I continued to watch as he went on. "Hey guys Delirious is in love with this mystery girl." Marcel said as he hit a box an made it explode near Nogla again. "AH YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I smiled as everyone laughed an started to build things. "Well Delirious do you know her name or anything?" "Sadly no I was in a rush to get back so I could start the stream." "Bummer man I hope you find your mystery lady, dude." Lui said as he attached a balloon to nogla. "I do to dude." "Well how about you tell us where you went an maybe she's watching an you can tell her to message what you got from the coffee shop." Tyler said. "DUDE THAT IS A GREAT IDEA HEY IF YOUR WATCHING TYPE IN THE CHAT WHAT I GOT TODAY FROM COFFEE STOP!" He said in a happy voice. I blushed as I started to type in the chat. "GUYS SHE REPLIED IN THE CHAT!" I felt my blush growing as I continued to type in the chat. "Dude really I was just joking but good job man." "U-u-uh Shade can I leave early I don't feel good." I said as i looked at him. "Oh sure I hope you feel better (y/n)." "Thanks dude." I said as I grabbed my bag an started to walk home an got on my computer. I logged in an continued to watch the stream. "Hey mystery girl if you have gmod join us dude." I blushed as I logged into my account an joined their game. "DUDE SHE'S HERE!" Tyler yelled as he used his Fizz gun to lift me up an carry me to the others. "No she didn't." "Oh yeah then who is this I am holding?" I kept blushing as they continued to talk about me. "Dude are you the girl who gave me my coffee today?" I made my person nod an made a coffee mug appear in front of everyone. "Um do you have a mic?" I shook my head yes but typed in chat that I don't like using it. "Oh Well.... Um......?" Now I giggled an made a balloon appear on Evan an followed him as he started to float away. "WHOA DUDE WHAT DID YOU DO?" I laughed kinda hard as Evan came falling down. I jumped up an down to show I was happy. I looked at the chat to see hate comments showing up an it made me kinda sad. I typed in the chat that I am logging out. "Wait why I just found you,why you leave?" I typed in the chat to tell him to read the live stream chat. I heard everyone read some of the comments an get a bit upset over them. "Aw come on guys don't be mean to her she can't help it that she is cute don't be mean to her." i blushed as the guys went on an on. "Yeah I think she is cool especially when she made Even fly an fall to his death in a funny way." I smiled as Tyler finished talking. "Yeah my death was funny an I actually think it would be cool for us to have someone new to record with." I kinda started to smile as they started to make the hate comments stop. I sighed as I started to make some planks appear and started to build a house and want inside an put a sign on the outside saying this is my house. I laughed a bit as the others noticed my house. "Hey guys they... wait a minute what's your name?" I blushed an started to type in chat. "It's (y/n)." "(y/n) that's a cool name." I smiled as Brock finished talking. "So (y/n) you made a house?" I made my person nod an pushed Nogla back from me as he walked up with a bomb. I typed in chat again. "No blow up me house it's too cute to blow up. :3" I laughed as Tyler walked up. "Aw see Nogla you can't blow up her house." "Just look at her she is too cute to hurt." I smiled as Lui walked up an started to talk in his child voice. I smiled an started to plug in my mic. I sighed as I set up the settings an fixed my Mic. "Um hiya." I said while trying to calm myself down. I am so nervous. "Wait who said that?" I giggled as I waited. "Wait did you say something?" I shook my head no. I giggled as everyone started to freak out. I shrieked as Delirious started to run to me I quickly started to run away while laughing. "Shit!" Lui yelled. I continued to laugh as Tyle grabbed me with his Fizz gun an started to drag me back an put me in my house. "I got her now you stay there." I pouted an started to talk in a cute innocent voice. "Aw come on can't you let me out I mean look at me I am too cute to keep locked up." "Dude Delirious you were right she does sound cute." I giggled a bit more an sighed while I have to go guys bye!" I said as I logged out an finished watching his livestream as I walked to my next job. "WAIT NO COME BACK PLEASE!" I sighed as I walked to a bookstore an clocked in so I would get counted for coming in today. I smiled as I got behind the desk an started to help people to find their books an to check out their books. I smiled an thanked everyone that had purchased a book. I smiled as a little girl gave me a drawing they did to thank me for their books. "Aw thank you cutie that is very sweet of you." I smiled an hugged her an handed the bag to her mom. "Thank you so much for helping her with her homework too (y/n)." "Oh it's no problem I love to help her she is a great student don't be afraid to call me again for help." I said with a smile. "Enjoy the books Oliva." "Thank you Miss.(y/n)" I smiled an put her picture in my bag so I didn't lose it. I sighed as I sat back down an continued to watch the stream until the next customer was ready. "Dude why did she leave?" "Maybe she had to go or something?" I giggled as I started to typing in the stream chat. "I had to go to my second job." "See dude she had a reason." I smiled an started to type a message in chat. "Dude if you want to meet me again go to the book shop in front of the mall." I smiled as I hit send an started to go back to work.

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