Jack Spicer part 2 wip

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~~~~At jack's House~~~~

(Jack's POV still)

I sighed as i finished helping Casey unpack. So once i finished i looked to see she had fell asleep on my table. I smiled a bit and moved her to my room while i finished working on my new design. But in the middle of finishing the design i soon found myself falling asleep. I woke up in a strange garden. "Uh where am i?" "Spicer your in my private gardens." I quickly looked to see it was Chase. I felt my eyes shrink. "How did i get here?" "I brought you here obviously." He said as he got closer to me which made me move back more and more until i was put against a wall. "What's wrong Spicer cat got your tongue? Normally you won't stop talking." I didn't speak cause i was afraid from the look in his eyes. I could tell what the emotion was but i didn't like it. I could feel myself started to sweat. "Spicer look at me." I hadn't realize my eyes were shut as I opened them to see Chase 2 inches from my face. "Eep!" Was all i could say. Soon i saw him move closer and closer closing the gap between us. But before i could do anything i woke up quickly to see Casey was lightly shaking me. I felt myself breathing heavy. So it was all a dream. I thought and smiled. That's good. "You ok Jack your breathing kinda fast?" I nodded an drank some water i had next to me. "I'm fine just had a weird dream." She just nodded and smiled. "Well i'm glad your ok." "I am to." "Wanna go visit Dojo?" I nodded an grabbed my heli-pack.

~~~~At the dojo now~~~~

(Jack's POV)

I sighed and smiled as the monks started to warm up to Casey all except Kimiko. I think she's just jealous she's not getting attention anymore. I thought as i watched Omi question Casey. "I still don't understand why you are working for Chase. I mean Chase would only want a special person to take care of his cats." I just laughed. "What is so funny Spicer?" "Nothing." Nothing at all i thought as i finished laughing. "So what makes you so special?" "Nothing she just caught wuya's eye cause she was friends with me" "Jack should we tell them?" I shook my head no an sighed. "Not yet." I said as i looked to see Omi looking at me with an angry expression. "I'm sorry Omi but were not telling you right now." I said as a dark cloud of smoke surrounded Casey and me. "UH GUYS?!" I yelled as the other grabbed on to stop the cloud. We were teleported to Chase's citadel again. "Shapeshifter welcome back" Chase said with a smirk. "Monks." He said with displeasure in his voice. I felt myself blush as i looked at chase. That dream. I hope it doesn't come true. I thought as i saw Chase smirk at me making me confused. "Shapeshifter i want you to entertain me?" "Uh chase who are you talking to?" Kimiko asked. "The shapeshifter." "Who is a shapeshifter?" I went wide eyed. "Chase don't." He said mother and pointed at Casey. "Shit." "HER?!" Kimiko. I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "Look Kimiko you need to chill." "So shapeshifter entertain me now."

(CASEY'S pov)

I sighed angot my guitar out. (Lyrics) I looked at Omi as i sang then i looked to Ramoundo. I closed my eyes and continued as wuya walked in with Chases cats. I smirked an took my hat and put it on Jack as i got into the music.

(Jack's POV)

I smiled as i fixed the cap on my head. But as i did I thought i heard a growl. I shrugged it off and smirked. Once she finished i hugged her and laughed. Then i heard the growling again. I know i'm hearing something maybe it's one of the warriors. I thought as i looked at the monks expression. I quickly felt myself frown as Raymundo got closer. "Leave her alone." "Jack i'm not hurt her." Chase even got in front of me and stood between me and Raymundo. "You monks should be leaving." he said as he teleported them back to the temple. "Thanks Chase." he just grunted an went back to his throne. "I only did it so Casey can contenu to entertain me.

~~~An Hour later~~~

(Jack's POV still)

I sighed. As me and Casey walked back into my house. "Jack did you notice how Chase was acting?" I nodded an sighed again. "You know i think i saw him smirk at me once while we were there." She nodded and sighed. "I thought i heard growling." "You too? I thought i heard growling but i thought it was the cats." "So did you get all giddy when he smirked at you?" She teased. 

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