Chat Noir x reader Part one?

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(y/n)'s pov)

I sighed as i walked up to the college.I walked into the main office, I hope i can make some friends this time. I thought as i got my classes. I sighed as i walked into the first class. I was late because i couldn't find the class room and the lady at the front desk wasn't any help. I thought as i knocked on the door. "Come in." I walked in and handed the teacher a late pass and a note from the principal saying i was the new student. "Class we have a new student. This is (y/n) (l/n)." I just waved and looked around. "Class i want you to be nice to (y/n) so everyone be on their best behavior. The teacher said as she eyes a girl in a yellow jacket. I wonder why she did that. I thought as i shrugged and waited for her to give me a seat. "(Y/N) sit next to Adrien."She said as she pointed to a blond headed boy in the second row. I nodded an walked to my seat. As the teacher started talking i felt something on my hand. I looked to see a note on my hand. I open it to see it was from the blond boy. I think his name was Adrien? (The note-) Hey i'm Adrien Agreste. (end of the note) I looked over to see him smiling. I smiled to and then went back to learning. Soon the teacher gave us free time to talk or do whatever. I turned to Adrien. "Hi i'm (y/n)." I said as i reached my hand out for him to shake it. "I'm Adrien." He said as he shook my hand. I smiled. "I'm glad your not one of them." "Who?" I said as i blinked my eyes. "Well whenever i say my last name people normally swoon or try to take pictures with me." "Why?" "Well my dad's pretty famous and so am i." "Oh god your not going to be like one of those people who wave around their success are you?" He quickly shook his head. "No no. I really don't like being famous." He said as i sighed. "Good cause if you were i was going to say it was nice meeting you and leave." "why?" "Because i don't like people like that." "Ah." He said as he looked at the girl in the yellow jacket. "Is something wrong?" "Well you might not like Chloe then." "Why is she like that?" He nodded and put a finger to his lip to tell me to be quite. I nodded and smiled. Well at least he was nice enough to warn me. I thought as he started to introduce me to his other friends. "So this is Nino, Alya and Marinette." He said point to each one. I waved and smiled."ADRIEN!" i quickly covered my ears. "Who let out a chihuahua?" I said aloud making some of the students laugh. "What did i make a funny joke or something?" I asked while being honestly confused. "Who are you calling a chihuahua?" i heard someone say. I quickly turned my head to see the girl in the yellow jacket. I think that's Chloe. "Um what?" I said confused again. "I said who are you calling a chihuahua?" "I never called anyone a chihuahua." I said getting more confused by the second. "(y/n) that noise you heard was Chloe." I blinked and then went wide eyed. "What?" They nodded. "Oh i'm sorry chole i didn't know." I said as she just looked at me. "Humph." She said as she shoved me out of my seat to sit next to Adrien. "Um ow?" I said as i quickly got up."Chloe." Adrien said. I just shrugged and waited for my seat. The teacher looked up and saw me standing. "(y/n) why are you standing?" "Um Chloe i think it was shoved me out of my seat and took it." I explained as the teacher got up. "Chloe what have i said about bothering Adrien in class?" "I can't help it. I can't be away from my precious Adrien-kins" Chloe said as she snuggled up to Adrien. I did a fake gag and made everyone around me laugh. I looked to see Adrien was uncomfortable. I frowned and moved Chloe away to her chair. "Hey!" I didn't say anything and just went back to my chair and sat down. "Well now that that's taken care of. It's time for your next class." I sighed and got up to my next class. "I wonder where room 230 is?" i said to myself as i looked around. I wonder i quickly looked to see Adrien walking with his friends. "Adrien!" I yelled as i ran up. "Yeah?" "Um do you know where room 230 is?" I asked as i looked at my paper and then to him. "Oh yeah i'm heading that way as well." "Ok." "It's this way." He said as he showed me the way. "So what's this teacher like?" I asked as we walked into the classroom. "He's nice his name is Mr.Howard." I nodded and waited at the door for him to give me a seat. "Ah you must be (y/n)?" Mr.Howard asked as he walked in, making me nod my head. "Ok well you can sit next to um....Do you know anyone in this class?" "I know Adrien and his friends." i said as i waited for a seat. "Ok then you shall sit next to Adrien." i nodded and walked to my chair. Before i could get there i was tripped making me fall down. "OW!" I said as i got up. "(y/n) what happened?" the teacher asked as he helped me up. "I think i was tripped." I said as i got up. I looked to see Chloe was smirking. "Chloe?" Mr.Howard said. "Yes sir?" "Why did you trip (y/n)?" "Wha? I never tripped her." "Chole stop lying i saw you trip her." Marinette said. "Shut up dupain cheng." "Chloe why are you being mean to the new girl." "Yeah she hasn't done anything to you." Soon the other students started to yell at Chloe. "Class settle down now that's enough." I smiled an thanked everyone for standing up for me. "Thanks guys." i said as i made my way to my chair. I soon made it to my seat and sat down next to Adrien. " You ok (y/n)?" i nodded and smiled. "Yeah i'm fine." He nodded and went back to paying attention to the lesson. I did as well.

~~(An Hour late)~~

(Adrien's POV)

I sighed as class ended I wonder what's for lunch. I thought as i sat next to Nino. "Sup dude?" "Nothing much just waiting for school to be over." He nodded an ate his food. I sighed as i thought about the new girl. Why am i thinking about her. I though as i ate my food. "Adrien did you hear me?" I quickly shook my head. "Huh wha?" "I said did you hear me?" "No i'm sorry." I said as Nino frowned. "I said we should invite (y/n) to hangout with us." I nodded and sighed. "ADRIEN!" I groaned and sighed again. "What Chloe?" "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today after school." "I can't Chloe i have a photoshoot." "Aw maybe i could come watch and then we can hangout then?" "I mean your going to come anyway so ok but my friends are coming as well." I said as i finished my food. She groaned and walked away. "Really Adrien?" I looked at Aly to see she was confused. "What?" "We usually don't go to your photoshoots." "I know but i don't want Chloe to come." I said softly so Chloe couldn't hear. Everyone nodded and went back to talking or eating. "Hey its (Y/n)." Marinette said as she waved (y/n) over. She sat down and smiled. "Hi guys." "Hey." " Hey (y/n)?" "Yes Nino?" "We were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us today after school?" She looked at her food in thought and then nodded. We all smiled and said yay. "So what are we going to do after school?" "Well Adrien has a photoshoot first and then we can hangout and do whatever if his father will let him."

(So this is were i leave off. cause i need to know if you guys want me to continue or not please let me know so if you guys don't want this i can start or finishes a differetn story. anyway BYE MY FLUFFS 

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