CaRtOoNz x Basicallyidowrk

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(Marcel's POV)

I sighed as i walked down the street to the team six house. Even though there's more than six of us. Practically everyone in the house has a boyfriend well except me and CaRtOoNz. He has a girlfriend and i'm just singal. Lonely me. The others tried to help out but i always end up alone. So i just given up on it i mean i do have one crush but they already have somebody and you probably guessed who that is,but yeah it's CaRtOoNz or as most of you know him as Luke, and everyone else knows about the crush but him. I walked up to the door and walked in to see the guys either making out or playing video games. I just grunted an went to my room. I really don't feel like playing games or watching my friends make out infront of me right now. As i made it into my room i saw my dog sitting on my bed waiting for me. Each one of us has a pet. Like Evan's an owl. I sighed again and layed down on my bed with a grunt. "Oof." I said as i layed there. Soon after Evan came in with Tyler. (wildnoss yay) "Marcel are you ok?" i nodded with my face in the mattress. "Hun you aren't alright so you can tell me anything." I heard Evan say as he rubbed my back. I groaned and and looked up. "Why can't i have somebody special?" i said as i slammed my face back into the mattress. Then Evan hugged me along with Tyler.

(Evan's POV)

It hurt me to see Marcel hurting. I wish i could help him but i can't......Or can i? I smirked for a second and then asked Tyler to come with me. As i walked out i asked Brock to watch marcel for me. He nodded an went into Marcel's room I walked into the living room to see Delirious, Nogla and Terrorriser, Ohm, Panda and Scott and Lui. But not Cartoonz. He's probably out with his girlfriend. (if he has a girlfriend idk her name so imma make one up) i thought as i got the guys together. "Guys we need to find Marcel a guy. He's so miserable being alone. " Everyone nodded. "What about Cartoonz?" "Did you forget panda he has a girlfriend?" "No recently he broke up with her for some strange reason." I smirked and looked at the others. "So what about if we paired them together?" I said as petted my pet owl Hedwig. (I can't spell) "Good girl." I said as i continued to pet her. "Evan that's a brilliant idea. But how will we do that?" Scott said. I shrugged and looked at the floor. "I think we should play seven minutes in heaven." "Maybe what else can we do?" "We could set them both up with a blind date and the other as the date." I nodded and went over to Tyler. "I think we will try the first one." Everyone nodded an went back to what they were doing since Marcel was walking into the room. Marcel walked in with a frown on his face making me frown.

(No one's POV)

Little did the group know Cartoonz was actually listening from his room.

(Back to Marcel's POV)

I sighed as i walked into the living room to see everyone but Luke was there. I walked into the kitchen to make me and sandwich when i heard Evan claim we were gonna play seven minutes in heaven. I laughed a bit. This is another one of their plans to get me and Luke together. I am glad i have friends like them but this plan aint going to work. Evan ran upstairs to get Luke. I blinked in surprise when Luke came down with Evan. I thought he would have passed since his girlfriends not here. I just shrugged and watched the others get everything ready. First it was Delirious and Ohm then Scott and Lui, Panda and Nogla, then Evan and Tyler and as they finished i was about to go to my room but i was quickly grabbed and shoved in the closet with Luke. it was dark and i was glad of that cause my face was hot from blushing so hard.when i looked up i thought i saw a smirk on Luke's face. But then again i couldn't see well. But the bright side i could feel his muscles and at this rate i think i'm going to faint. "So um." i said as i tried to think of something to say that would help pass the time. But before i could i felt Luke grab my chin. "Luke what are you-" Before i could finish he cut me off with putting his lips on mine, making me blush even harder. "Mmh!" i said as he continued to kiss me. I soon closed my eyes and kissed back. Soon he licked my lips asking for entrance. I let him. Soon it became a fight for dominance and i was quickly losing. We soon broke apart to get air. Before we could say anything the door opens to reveal the others with a smirk on their faces. I blushed more hiding my face in Luke's chest. I was so embarrassed. Everyone started to laugh along with Luke. I just smiled into Luke's chest. I was finally happy to have someone in my life.

(the end i hope you enjoyed even thought its short i hope you enjoyed it and i will see you in the next book or chapter nyan~)

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