Progress on Mark x Reader

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(Markiplier's POV)

I sighed as I finished getting ready. I am going to go to the airport soon to pick up my old childhood friend (y/n) I haven't seen her in a long time. I smiled as I got in my car an drove to the airport. I walked in an went to the gate she told me that she was going to be exiting from.

~~~An Hour later~~~

(Markiplier's POV)

I sighed as I continued to wait for her to walk out. I looked at my phone to see if I had gotten any messages from her or any of my others friends. I soon found myself on twitter retweeting some tweets. I was soon caught up in my twitter that I didn't see someone standing in front of me. I quickly looked up to see someone was poking me to get my attention. I smiled as I looked up to see (e/c) eyes looking back at me. "Um hey Mark." I laughed as I jumped up an hugged (y/n). I laughed more as she giggled when I spun her around. "Hi Mark I am glad to see you to." "I'm glad to see you too (Y/n) it has been a long time since we have seen each other." I said as I put her down an grabbed one of her bags for her. "So are you ready to go now?" I asked as she nodded. I walked beside her to my car as we started to talk about the old days. I opened the door for her an put her bags in the trunk. I smiled as I started to drive to my house. I pulled in an helped (Y/n) get her bags inside as she took them to one of my guest rooms. I smiled more as I started to pet Chica. I hope she will have fun while she is over. I thought as I walked into the living room an waited for (y/n) to finished putting her stuff up. I turned on my tv an just started to flip through the channels to see if there is anything good on. I groaned as I turned off the tv after I found nothing good on. I started to pet Chica as she sat next to me on the couch. I didn't even notice that (y/n) had walked back into the room an sat next to me. I jumped when she hugged me. I looked at her to see her smiling at me. I smiled back an returned her hug. I laughed a bit as I started to remember some stuff from our childhood. I am glad she is going to be staying for awhile it will give us sometime to catch up with each other an what we have been doing for the last few years. I smiled as I started to think about what videos I should have her in if she will let me record her. I bet my subs would love her. I soon felt her head on my lap. I looked down to see her smiling back up at me with her eyes full of joy like they were when we were kids. I smiled an started to tickle her while she tried to get me to let her go. I laughed as she struggled to break free from my grip. I smiled as I pulled her into my chest to tickle her more. As I did I couldn't help but smell her hair. Mmm. It smells like sweet strawberries. I sighed as I started to think about (Y/n). But I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I saw (Y/n) staring at me with confusion. I felt myself blushing as I let her go an tried to think about what I should say to explain what just happened. But before I could explain anything she got up an went to the kitchen to get her something to drink. I blushed as I started to think about what I just did. I sighed as i shook my head. Why did i do that. I thought as i took a sip of my drink. So what video should i make first. I thought as i brought (y/n) her drink. "Here ya go (y/n)." "Thanks Mark." She said with a smile. "No problem." I said as i sat next to her and Chica. "Hey chica be-ka. Who a good girl?" I said as i petted Chica. I could hear (Y/N) laughing at me but i didn't care i was trying to make her laugh anyway. I smiled as i looked over to her to see her smiling face. Gosh i wish to make her smiles all day everyday. I soon started to feel myself blush. I quickly shook my head an looked to (y/n). "So what do you want to do first?" "I think you should record a video to let the fans know you have me over an might not post to many videos like normal." I nodded an went to my recording room an started to record my message. After i finished i quickly edited it an posted it. Done. I thought as i tried to think of some videos i could record with (y/n). I think i'm going to record some five nights at freddys with her so people can see her reaction. (I know that fad is gone but i still like the game so go with it)

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