Better part two of Chat Noir x reader

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(Adrien's POV)

I sighed as i walked out of school to the park with my friends and Chloe behind me. "So Adrien what kind of shoot is this going to be?" I shrugged. "I don't know all i know is i am supposed to do it with a girl." As soon as i said that both Marinette and Chloe got angry. But i didn't see their faces. "Ok so were here?" I said as i put my bag down and waited for the photographer to tell me what to do. "NO THIS IS TERRIBLE!" "What's wrong John?" "The girl she-she no show for the shoot." I blinked and hid a small smirk. Maybe i can go hangout with my friends instead. "Well that's too bad." I said as i walked over to my friends. "We will have to reschedule the shoot then." "Wait you there!" I quickly looked to see he was point to Marinette and Chloe? "Who her or me?" Chloe said. "No no neither of you. HER!" He said as he pushed past them to get to (Y/n) who was petting a stray black cat. "Huh?" She asked in a confused voice. "You. Your perfect." "For what? I wasn't paying attention." "HER?!" Marinette and Chloe said at the same time. "For the shoot!" The photographer said "What? Me? No no no no." She said as he frowned. "Please Madame.Please if i don't do this shoot i will be fired." "I don't know." "You can't pick her she's a nobody." Chloe said as she got between her and the photographer. "You should pick me i am the prettiest here." "Please?" He asked again completely ignoring Chloe making Alya, Marinette and Nino laugh a bit. "I-i don't know." "Come on (y/n) go for it. "Nino yelled. "Yeah you would look great." Alya said.

(y/n)'s POV)

I blushed a bit and looked to them. I guess it wouldn't hurt would it?" "Um...S-sure?" I said unconfidently. "Oh thank you Madame. "Um n-no problem." I said as i walked over to the fountain waiting for Adrien.

(Adrien's POV)

I walked over and sat down on the fountain edge and waited for the photographer to tell us what to do. "OK now you girl get closer and sit next to Adrien." She nodded an sat next to me making me blush a bit but not enough to notice. "Now put your head on his shoulder and smile." She did what she was told and smiled.I smiled as well as he took the photo. "Great." "Ok now hold her closer." I nodded an did what he said and waited for him to take the picture.

~~After a few pictures~~

(Adrien's POV still)

"Ok last one i want you to kiss her." "WHAT?" Me an her said at the same time making Chloe and Marinette's mouth drop. "You heard me it will make the magazines sell." I blushed and looked at (Y/n). "Oh no if you do that i will slap you. I said ok to the pictures, not this." I nodded and looked at the photographer. "But please Madame, to keep me from getting fired." "I don't know i mean i don't know you." "Please it will keep Adrien out of trouble,and if it make it less uncomfortable this was recommended by Adrien's father." I blushed and thought about it. Was he really gonna make me kiss some random girl. "No." She said as she got up. "I can do it!" Chloe and Marinette yelled at the same time. "NO! It has to be her." Well i don't want to get in to trouble with father. "(y/n) just do it to help me and him out please?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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