Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! 😅 Its still me author-nim! Some of you probably notice that this one is similar. The story that I deleted is a bit similar to this one.


~Y/N's POV~

I was eating a snack while watching Kdrama until my phone suddenly starts to ring. It was Imo so I answered it. "Annyeong Imo!" 9I greeted. "A-Annyeong Y-Y/N" She sounded like she's crying. "Imo? Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Y-Y/N, C-Can y-you come at t-the H/N? (H/N=Hospital name)" Imo asked. "W-What?! W-Why?! I've done my check up already Imo" I answered. "N-No not a-about that, J-Just c-come here" She commganded. "Ne..." I answered before we hang up. I grabbed my coat and wears it. I then grabbed my keys and rode my car.

I arrived about 5 minutes. I called Imo. "Imo Where are you?" I asked her as she answered. "At the 3rd floor" She answered quickly. "Right, I'm coming" I said. I ran to the elevator and press the button 3 as the door have shut. I arrived at the 3rd floor. I look around until I spotted Imo. I ran to her. I tapped her shoulder. She looksd at me amd hugged me tight while tears are falling on her face. "Y-Y/N... Y-Your p-parents d-didn't survived the a-accident" She said. My eyes widened. "W-What accident?!" I asked. "C-Car accident" She answered. "W-Where are they?!" I asked. "Inside the room" She answered. I quickly ran inside the room Just to see Eomma and Appa lying down while blankets are covering their face. I cried just to see them like this. We were having fun together then this happened. "E-Eomma... A-Appa... W-Wae?! Why did you leave me?! Where should I go now?! I cant live all alone! Imo can't take care of me since she's going back to Australia..." I said shuttering. "Y-Y/N....." Imo called. I faced her. "Ne?" I asked. "Let's go home" She said. "No! I wont!" I shouted as tears keep falling. "Y-Y/N please..." She said. "W-Why?!" I shouted. "You need to pack your stuff" She said. "Why?! Where am I going?!" I asked shouting. "I'll tell you when we got home..." She said. I nodded. "You're gomma use your car?" I asked. She bit her lip. "You dont have your car dont you?" I asked her. She nodded. "Your like my sis, Imo" I said as I laughed slightly. She joined me laughing. Imo was the one who drove the car to go home.

We arrived. I grabbedy car keys and put it un my pocket. Me and Imo came inside the house. We sat at the living room. There was an akward silence untile Imo decided to break the silence. "Y/N..." She called. I look at her. "Me and your parents have been hiding this" Se said. "And that is...?" I asked. "You have 7 brothers" She answered quickly. My eyes widened. "Why did you hide this from me?!" I shouted. "Your Eomma cant handle all of you so she left them eith your grandmother but she past away last year, since they are idols they have dorms, So they can take care of themselves." Imo said. I nodded at her explanation. "Now go pack your stuff. Oh! And here is their dorm's adress" She said as she gave me the adress. I grabbed it and walk towards my room to pack my stuff.

After packing my stuff, I flop to my bed and drifted to sleep.


I woke up by my stupid alarm. I turned off my alarm. Then I remember that Im going to move in to my brothers. I quickly take a shower. "Wait Why am I rushing?" I asked myself confusingly. I sighed and changes into some jeans and sweater.

I grabbed my luggage and put it at the back of my car. I hop in and drove to the adress that Imo gave to me. I arruved at the building. "Gosh it was a building" I said to myself. I walk to the direction to their dorms. I knock on the door 3 times. I heard a loud thud. Is something happening?

The door open reaviling a tall guy. "Uhh... May I ask who are you?" He asked. "Uhmmm... You wont probably know me but I know your Grandmother" I said. Gosh Y/N stop being akward. "Our grandmother that passed away?" He asked. I nodded. "Who are you anyway?" A guy that is smaller that the tall guy asked. "Y/N... Kim Y/N" I said. "Y-Y/N?!" I heard many people shouted. I nodded. Then I heard many footsteps that are coming towards us. The next think I know is that I was tackled down on the floor. "We finally got to see you!!" They all shouted. I counted how many are they and they are 7. Imo was right they are really 7. I look at them confusingly. "Y-You know me?" I asked. "Yes! we know you! You are the saeng!!" They all shouted. "Guess Jungkook isn't the maknae" One of thrm said as hr smirked. "Uhmm... Can you all get off me" I said. They look at each other as theg stand up one by one. "H-How come you know me and I dont know you?" I asked. "Grandma always talk about you" The one with a bunny smile said. I nodded. "Oh! Come in!" The one next to the tall guy said. I nodded. "Sit down my dear" He said. He sounded like a mom. I sat down at the couch. "Ok we're gonna introduce ourselves" The one with a box smile said. I just nodded. "Im Kim Seokjin, The oldest in all" The one that acts like a mother said. "Im Min Yoongi, The second oldest" The one that has a sugar skin said. "Jung Hoseok! Im your hope, your my hope J-Hope!" The ome witth heart smile said. "Kim Namjoon" The taller one before said. "Park Jimin-imnida!" The small one before said. "Km Taehyung!" The one with a box smole said. "Jeon Jungkook! The maknae!" The one with a bunny smile said. "In all!" Hoseok shouted. "Bangtan Sonyeodan Imnuda!!" All of them shouted. I smiled. "Well Y/N what brings you here?" Jin asked. "Well Imo said that I should live with you guys since Eomma and Appa are a-already..." I cant finish the sentence. "A-alreasy what?" They asked. "D-Dead?" Jungkook asked. I nodded as tears are starting to fall. "H-Hey Dont cry we're here" Jin said.

Dont say that... Your saying it like your leaving me like the others!

My 7 brothers who forgot me IN THE END | BTS ff [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now