Chapter 11

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~Y/N's POV~

I smiled as I saw my brothers were back from their performance. They were sweating so I decided to grabbed 7 towels and water bottles to them. I gave it to them. "Ah! Gumawo!" They said. I smiled at them. Taehyung and Jungkook hugged me as I gave them their water bottles. "Ya! Your sweaty!" I act disgusted. They samiled as they know that Im acting. "Your acting is bad!" Jungkook teased. I gave him an emotionless look. The two of them laughed. "Jin-Oppa!! Jungkook is teasing me!!" I said. Jin came towards us. "Who's teasing my little girl?" He asked. They smiled innocently at them. I cant stop but laugh. "Pabo!" I said. Taehyung looked at me. I stopped laughing and look at him. Shit!! Im dead!

He chased me as I ran away until he catched me. "Gotcha!" He said. He started tickling me. I cant belp but laugh. "YA! HAJIMA!!" I shouted. He stopped tickling me. I smiled at him as the others walked up to me.


We waited for the host to announce the winner. I was hoping that my brothers will win. "And the winners are...." The host stopped as he opened the card. "Got7!!" He said. I could see my brothers were forcing a smile. I stopped smiling as I saw them. I guess they are not happy because they worked hard for this.


My brothers came in. I ran to them and hugged them tightly. "Lets celebrate?" I asked. They lool at me and just walked passed me. Am I invincible?

They were done packing their stuff. "Oppas... Im sorry that you lost..." I said. They didnt answer but walked passed me. Did I do something?

I grabbed my stuff and followed them to the Van. The ride were quiet. They didnt even dare to talk. I might have done something...

We arruved at the dorm. As we came inside they were about to seperate ways but I stopped them. "Lets Eat? Come on! We need to emcelebrate because you guys worked ha-" I didn't finished my sentence when " Are you happy that we lost? Was it your wish that we lost? Was it what you expected?" Jungkook said cutting me off.

My eyes widened as I heard what he said. "No! I know you guys lost but... I was doing this to cheer you up" I said in a low voice. "Cheer us up?! Why do you want to celebrate?! Did you came here just to annoy us by your Shout?! By your care?! Do you think we care about you?!" Jimin said. I jhst stood there quiet as I heard 'Do you think we care'

I cant take it anymore so I ran to my room and locked the door.

You dont know my sickness...

So I will just be invincible to you...

You dont care If I die either...

My 7 brothers who forgot me IN THE END | BTS ff [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now