Chapter 29 (Remake)

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I sat at my working desk and stared at the letter. "Why did we even think of ignoring you in the first place?" I said to myself. I opened the letter and read it


Dear Yoongi Oppa,

      Hi! Oppa! Please dont cry! You'll lose your swag if you cry. Im so sorry if you're annoyed that I always interrupted your sleep. Even when you're at the studio making lyrics. Im so sorry if I interrupted you. I know that you are not happy that I always wake you up. I guess I shouldn't came in front of your dorm to tell you that Im our long lost sister. Im happy that I spent time with you even if its just for 1 and a half months. Am I not good enough to be your sister? You must be happy when Jimin woke you up instead of me. Of course sorry wont do anything. Actually Im happy to see you on TV especially when you won. I know that you're the most angry one when I was making a celebration. I know that the songs that you made are awsome! please be happy even when Im not with you! I know that it will ruin your career if you show that you're sad when Im gone. Oppa.... I always want to tell you this, you're the best brother for me. Not just the best brother but the best producer too. I know that this letter wont comfort you but please be happy just for me? I know that I wont see you but all I know that even when Im not there beside you, I can still watch you from above. Saranghae Oppa!


I smiled at the letter that Y/N made for us. I know that I lost my swag today because Im crying but I truelly miss you Y/N. You never interrupted my sleep. You were the best sister that I met. Im happy that you let me sleep even if the food will get cold but you're the one who will heat it up.


I was sleeping peacefully when Y/N woke me up. "Ya Oppa! Wake up!" She said. I just groaned. She sighed and continue shaking me. "let me sleep" I said with a sleepy voice. "Ok OK! I know you're tired from work so I'll let you sleep" She said. I just covered my face with my pillow. I heard a door shut so I guess Y/N left. 


I woke up and took a shower. 

I walked downstairs and saw a plate with a meal. "Oppa, I heated it up for you" It said on the letter. I smiled as I know Y/N did this. Aish! Why i she so nice? 


I fell asleep on the studio when I was making lyrics. I heard the door opened guessing it was one of the members but it wasn't as I heard the voice. "Aish! This Oppa" Y/N said. I didn't know what happened next but all I know that I think she covered me with blanket.


I was sleeping peacefully in my room not until Jimin woke me up. "Oppa" He called. Wait! Oppa?! No this isn't Jimin! It's Y/N! AIsh! Not now!!

I groaned as she was shaking me. I didn't talk as she was still shaking me. I sighed and stood up angrily. "YA! CAN YOU STOP  WAKING ME UP?! YOU ALWAYS INTERRUPT MY SLEEP!! YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!!! COULD YOU STOP?!?!" I shouted at her. She looked at me with wide and teary eyes. "I-I didn't know that I-I always interrupt your sleep... I wont bother you anymore Oppa... Mianhae" She said. She walked out of my room and I decided to fall back asleep.


Y/N-ah why didn't you tell us about your sickness? Im sorry for everything I've done that hurted you... Nado Saranghae Lil sis....

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