Chapter 19

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~Third Person's View~


Jin woke up eraly just to make the boys breakfast. He walked to the kitchen. He expected that he will see his little sister making breakfast but that never happened. Namjoon walked up to him. "Morning hyung" Namjoon greeted him with a sleepy voice. "Morning" Jin answered in aow voice. Namjoon noticed that Jin was looking at the kitchen. "Something wrong?" Namjoon asked. Jin just stayed quiet. "Did you expect that Y/N will be here cooking us breakfast?" Jimin asked as he showed up. The two elders looked at the younger. Jin just looked down. They all sighed. "Im gonna make breakfast" Jin said and started making breakfast.


I decided to call Min Han again. We wont give up until we know where Y/N lives. After four beeps, he answered. "Annyeonghasayo?" He greeted. "Hey Min Han" I said. "Let me guess your gonna aske me where she lives?" He asked. "Ne..." I answered slowly. He sighed. "Look! I wont tell you where she lives and dont ever fvcking bother me if thats the only thing you'll ask!" He shousted and hung up. I sighed deeply. "Hyung... Should we stop?" Jungkook asked. I looked at him shocked. "Why would we?!' Taehyung asked. "Because there is no way she'll forgive us!" Jungkook said. "How can you say?!" Jin shouted as he put the plate on the table. "Because we already said sorry and she didn't forgive us" Jungkook said. "Its because we did something unforgivable... I know someone can forgive us easily but we hurt her so much so its hard for her to forgive us, we forgit her, we told her hurtful stuff, we even didnt care if something bad happened, only Min Han is always yhere for her... Y/N is our sister, our beloved sister and we forget her, we forgot her loved for us, her caring for us and most of all her worriness for us" Namjoon said. "You have a  point there hyung" Jimin said.


All of them saw Y/N at their school, they were about to walled up to her but Y/N saw noticed them and walked away. They felt guilt at the moment. They started to walk seperatedly. Jungkook walked to his classroom and he saw Y/N looking at the window. He wanted to go to her and apologised mean things that he didn't mean to say it to her. He always thought that Y/N is going to wake him up everyday but no one was at his sight as he woke up. Mrs. Kim came in and started the class.


The class ended and Y/N fixed her stuff before grabbing her lunch box that her Imo made. Jungkook was about to walked towards Y/N but Min Han glared at him making him stopped what was he going to do. "Kaja?" Min Han told Y/N. She nodded and followed Min Han left the room.


All of them finished their class and went to the Cafeteria. Jinwwas the one who sat first in an empty table. Yoongi followed Jin and sat beside him. The others came except Jungkook. They waited for him.

Finally, Jungkook came. All of them were expecting that Y/N was with him but no, she was not with him. They sighed sadly.

My 7 brothers who forgot me IN THE END | BTS ff [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now