Chapter 18

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~Jin's POV~

"Should we look for her?' I askrd them as we arrived at the dorm. "We're so screwed! Jimin shouted. "Ya! Shut up! You said that ten times!!" Jungkook shouted. He looked at him and glared. "Yes we screwed up but should we look for her?" I asked. They nodded. "Could she forgive us this time?" Namjoon asked. "I think so" I said. "Wait! If were gonna find her, how can we know where she lived this time?" Hoseok asked. They thinked of a plan. "Ah! I got it! Min Han! Maybe he knows where she lives!" Namjoon said. "Great Idea!!" I said. "My Ideas are always great" He said. I laughed at him.

Namjoon called Min Han and put it on speaker. "Min Han!! I know we screwed up but please help us" Jungkook pleaded. "Ugh! I told you that I wont help you anymore!" He said. I sighed. "Can you tell us where she lived this time?!" Namjoon asked. It was silent.

Yoongi decuded to break the silence. "Dude!! Fvcking answr us right now!!" He shouted. He sighed. "No! Never!" He said and hung up. "We're so screwed" Jimin said. I groaned. "Can you stop saying we're screwed?!" Yoongi said in an annoyed tone.

Everyone seperated towards their room. I was about to go to my room when I remembered something.


"Pleae dont make me laugh! You just noticed right now that I was alone! Min Han is alway there for me! You were always there to make me happy before! But now! No! You didn't! You forgot your little sister! Your sister that has a-!" Y/N didnt finished her sentence. "A what?!" We asked. "Nevermind" She said amd walked away. "Y/N!! Wait!!" I shouted but she didnt hear it. I sighed. "Shit! She didn't forgive us" Yoongi said. Min Han glared at us before leaving. We're so screwed...


"What was she talking about before?" I asked them. "We dont know" They answered. "I know" PD-nim said suddenly. "What is it?" I asked him. "I wont tell you until she let me tell you, She hide it because of a main reason" He said. "What could we do? We cant ask her since she's mad." Jungkook said. I nodded in agreement and so did the others. "Were so screwed" Jimin said. "Stop saying were screwed." V said. Jimin just looked down.


What is she hiding from us? Did we really ignored her right now? We didn't mean it... I wish we could turn back time and saybsorry to her early...

I sat at my bed and svrolled through medias. Even what hapoened today was all over the media... Y/N-ah we are so sorry, dear..

I layed down and drifted to sleep.

My 7 brothers who forgot me IN THE END | BTS ff [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now