Chapter 28

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~Namjoon's POV~

I looked at the boys as they wen to the room. "I guess I could just read this in here" I said as I sat down at the sofa. I opened the letter and start reading it.


Dear Joonie Oppa,

   Hi Oppa! I want to say thank you for being there for me especially when I have problems. I guess that you think that I defended you were all fake? No its not Oppa. I was serious about that. I know your strong but I dont want to see you in a fight. Are you my Appa? Pfft! Meh just joking, you just act like Appa. I know that you guys didn't beleived me but I will support even if Im not there beside you. Im not mad, I just ignored you because I only have no more time left. I know that you and others are gonna get hurt as you know about my sickness but please be happy just for me. Did I hurt you when I call you mean nicknames? Mianhae Oppa. I was just jocking about those. And Oppa!! Jimin Oppa has Jams!! Keep up the good work of being the leader, Oppa!! Please dont ruin your career because of my loss. I will always suport you! Hwaiting! Saranghae!! Oh! And BTW! Dont break things Oppa!! And of course! Dont forget about me!! And this is just our secret Oppa. I accidentally break one of the Vases...


i chuckled at the last sentence. "Saranghae Y/N" I said and smiled sadly.


"Ya! You broke the glass!!" Jin said as he sighed. I rubbedthe back of my neck. "Jin Oppa... He didn't mean to" You said to Jin. "Aish! But still he-""Oppa! Dont scold him! He didn't mean to break it. I dont want to hear anu fighting" You said. "Aish! Y/N!! Stop! This is none of your business" Jin said making your eyes widened. "Look Namjoon just throw these" Jin said as he handed me the brocken glass. I grabbed it and throw it in the trash.


I walked inside your room. "Y/N" I called. You looked at me and smiled. "Ne Oppa?" I asked. "Im sorry. Because of me Jin scolded you too" I said. She laughed. "Nah its ok! I always defend you" She said. I smiled.


I was walking at the park with my mask and sunglasses on. Y/N is with me. "Lets buy ice cream?" I asked. She nodded. We walked to the ice cream store and bought ice cream.

We started walking back home until someone ran on out wau and bumped to me. "Ya! Watch were your going PABO!" He said. "Hey dont call my brother a pabo! You are the pabo! You were running and hit my brother! Your the one who should watch were your going!" You shouted. Making the man scoffed and continue running away. "You shouldn't do that" I said. She just shrugged. I laughed at her. "Whats so funny?" You asked. "Nothing" I said. "If he knows you're an Idol! He would regret shouting at you" You said. I just laughed.


"Ahh! Namjoon! Not again" Jin said. I just smiled akwardly and rubbed at the back of ny neck. "Mianhae" I said. Jin grabbed the broken glass and throw it in the trash. I turned to see you watching the scene. Are you going to defend me again? I guess you were defending me becausr you pity me. Tch! Im strong Y/N! Stop pitying me! I walked passed you to my room.


I cried as the flashback had stopped. "W-Why d-did I sai that to myself?! I know you were serious everytime you defend me! Im sorry Y/N! I know I caused something and your the one who will get scolded!!" I said.

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