Chapter 32

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I sat at the side of my bed. Without having second thoughts  I started reading the letter that Y/N gave me.


Dear Kookie Oppa,

    Hi! Oppa! I know that your the one who is really sorry cause you're the one who got mad at me first. I already forgiven you before you guys apologized. Its not that its your fault. Its my fault either. I made you feel like I betrayed you. Kookie! Dont sleep late because of playing games! Seep early so you have many energy on the next day. I will miss your silliness! Make your hyungs laugh. Help Hobi Oppa make them happy like before!! Im sorry that I left you alone. I know that your gonna be alone in the classroom. YOu dont have a sibling as your classmates but be happy please!

I smiled at how much she wants us to be happy.


"Oppa! Dont overslept!" Y/N said as she came inside my room without knocking. "Ya! Could you knock on the door!" I said as I saw that I lost on te game. She giggled and walked out of my room. "Ya! Come back here! You made me lose on the game!!" I shouted and chase her. As soon as I cought her, I startled tickling her. She laugh and told me to stop between her laughs. I smirk and continue tickling her. "YA!! Hajima!!" She said. I stopped and let her catch her breath. "Pabo" She said. And I smiled innocently. She got up and throw a pillow at my face. "Now go sleep! Dont even think about sleeping so late!!" She said as shr throw another pillow at my face. "My Face-eu you hurt it" I said as I pout. She laugh and throw another pillow at ny face before she walk to her room.


I decided to sleep late this time and no one can bother me until I heard a knock. Eh? Who would knock at this hour? I opened the door to see Y/N. I glared at her. "Oppa... Sleep early today you have scho-" I cutted her off. "Dont disturb me!! I can do whatever I want!! Why do you always disturb us?!" I shouted at her. She looked at me without an expression. "Same thing as I heard from the others... I had enough of this! I care for toh thats why!" She shouted. Her eyes widened as she realized that she shouted. She said sorry and ran back to her room leaving me all shock. She never shouted... This is the first time I saw her shout.


Y/N ah... I didn't mean to shout. I didnt mean everything I said. All of those are lies. I lied. I lied to you Y/N. If I didnt shout at you, Ypu would probably be here with us, all happy...

My 7 brothers who forgot me IN THE END | BTS ff [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now